Quality of Life and Character Development
Quality of Life cont. and Family Life
Personal Relationships
Community Living Skills
Developmental Stages of Children
What is dove-tailing?
Fitting tasks together to make the best use of time
What is a roadblock?
Obstacles to personal development
List 3 of the 5 factors that affect relationships:
Family, friends and peers; self concept, stress, dating, sexual abstinence
What does it mean to be a leader?
A person who has influence over a group
What are the age ranges of the infant, toddler, and preschoolers?
Infant: 0-1 Toddler: 1-3 Preschoolers: 3-6
What is the difference between verbal, non-verbal, and I-message communications?
Verbal: the words you say Non-verbal: body language and actions I-Messages: "I feel upset when you borrow my jacket without asking me." vs "You need to get your own jacket instead of using mine."
List 3 of the 5 ways to strengthen a family:
Active listening, skill development, response to crises, technology, resources
Give examples of risks children of youth parents are at:
Born smaller, parents may not be as careful about ingesting harmful substances or needed nutrients, teen parents often neglect children because they lack the experience and maturity to deal with the challenges of raising a child, higher risk of abuse, no one to look after the child, often score lower on academic tests, lack of guidance and discipline, less money, experience, skills, knowledge
What is the difference between autocratic, democratic, and lassiez-faire?
Autocratic: tells team what to do with little input Democratic: power is shared between leader and members Laissiez-faire: hands off, effective when members are experienced and self directed.
Give examples of large and small motor skills:
Large: running, jumping, kicking, climbing Small: writing, pointing your toes, cutting, painting
List 3 of the 5 roadblocks in life and give an example of each:
Physical: health issues, substance abuse, addictions Mental/Emotional: abuse, dependency issues, depression, eating disorders, suicide prevention Social Community: lack of social opportunities (bullying), living environments, socioeconomic status Environmental issues: air pollution, land, water Legal issues: criminal acts, family issues, truancy
List 5 of the 9 factors that affect family life:
Miscommunication, self image, family cites, social issues, culture, responsibilities and rewards, types of families, role expectations, personal values
Describe the consequences of youth parenting in the categories financial, social, physical, emotional, and future/career.
Financial: a baby costs a lot of money Social: less time for friends, unable to go to all social events Physical: less sleep, more stress, less time to take care of yourself Emotional: other consequences can take an emotional drain on parents with less support from your partner, friends, and their own experience Future/Career: youth parents often drop out of school, making it hard to get high-paying jobs, save for the future, cop and adapt to crises
Name some suggestions for completing a successful job interview:
Arrive on time, shake hands, be prepared to answer questions about you and the job, ask the interviewer questions, say thank you, and send a thank you letter.
What is the difference between solitary, parallel, and cooperative play?
Solitary: child plays alone, away from others Parallel: child plays independently but in close to others Cooperative: children play together with organization and cooperation
List 5 of the 7 character traits and define each:
Caring: how you show concern about a living being Fairness: being open-minded and being able to look at all sides of an issue Responsibility: accountable for choices you make and things you do Empathy: understanding Trustworthiness: means people can trust what you say and do Respect: for yourself and others Honesty: truthful Integrity: always acting according to your values Self-discipline: when you have control over your behavior
What are the 5 steps of the planning process?
Identify the concern Set a goal Form a plan Act Follow up
List and describe the 6 types of families:
Nuclear: mother, father, 1 or more children Single-parent: 1 parent, children Blended: when 2 people marry and at least 1 parent already has children Extended: includes relatives besides parents and children (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc) Adoptive: parents, adopted child Foster: parents, one or more children who are not related to the parents
Name some things you should never do at a job interview:
Ask about money/wages, get too personal, make excuses, make negative comments about previous employers, lie, act desperate, go in unprepared, chew gum, smell like smoke, take cell phone calls, text, have your phone on.
List some age appropriate activities for an infant, toddler, and preschooler:
Infant: lay on back, grasp objects, practice sitting up and standing up Toddler: walking, practicing independent skills, toilet training, finger painting Preschooler: running, climbing, jumping, stringing beads, cutting with safety scissors, singing, story telling
List 6 factors that influence a person's quality of life and 2 examples of each:
Physical: exercise, safety, nutrition, sleep/rest, stress Intellectual/Emotional: Self esteem, hobbies, leisure activities Social/Community: Interpersonal skills, community service Study skills: organization, time management, listening skills, note taking, test taking skills Work Place: job satisfaction, relationships, harassment Character: caring, responsibility, fairness, empathy, trustworthiness, honesty, self discipline
What are the 6 ways to resolve a conflict?
Identify the problem, identify possible solutions, evaluate each suggested solution, pick the best solution, see if the solution is working, if necessary- agree to disagree
What is the family life cycle? List and describe the stages.
Beginning: beings with a couple as they try to set up a home and set goals for future Parenting: children are added to the family Launching: teens and young adults begin to leave the family Middle years: "the empty nest", allow parents to focus on being a couple again Retirement: retire from a job
What is the difference between a job application and a resume?
Job application: a form that a person wanting a job fills out to tell the employer about their background Resume: A summary of your experiences and skills relevant to the field of work you are entering
List some toys appropriate for infants, toddlers and preschoolers:
Infant: soft plushies, mobiles, rattles, "chew" toys Toddler: simple puzzles, tricycle, large crayons, paint brushes Preschoolers: dress up clothes, play houses, puppets, craft items