What is the meaning of Safety Rule 1?
you are aware of your enviroment and people around you, both online and offline
What is your digital reputation?
Essentially it is a history of everything you have done online.
What is Cyberbullying?
Repeated online bullying or harassment. It be posting rumors or gossip, saying mean things, or posting embarrassing pictures.
What is sexting?
Sending someone inappropriate pictures or text messages.
Girls post and tag twice as many photos as boys do?
True: Girls post more.
Spotting Red Flags. you are aware of potential dangers online and and offline.
What is digital citizenship?
The safe, responsible, and respectful use of technology.
What are three examples of cyberbullying?
Sending mean or harhassing test messages
Posting rumors
Posting embarrassing pictures or messages.
What are online predators?
Neglect is when I do not get what I want.
False, neglect is when I do not get what I need to be healthy and safe.
What is the meaning of Safety Rule 3?
Make a move. Getting away from unsafe situations, people, websites.
What does the term public and permanent mean?
Everything you post on line can be become public, and what you do online is always permanent.
Why is Cyberbullying a major problem?
Because you can't get away from it
What are the 6 different types of abuse?
Neglect, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Bullying, Relationship Abuse and Sexual Abuse.
Online predators often look on social media for emotional, unhappy, flirtatious teens and prey on their vulnerabilities.
True. Online Predators like to manipulate people.
What are two ways you can use Safety Rule 4?
Report unsafe situations, or behaviors to a safe adult.
Use an assertive voice to say "No"
What does it mean to use an assertive voice?
Being confident and forceful with words to make sure someone understands
Why do people who are being Cyberbullied not report it?
They don't want it to get worse
They don't want to be seen as a snitch
They don't want their technology taken away.
A bystander is someone who?
Stands by and watches bullying happening and does nothing to stop it.
Sending or sharing a nude or explict image is legal?
False, It is illegal send nude or explict images
What safety rule states that you should never feel ashamed to talk to your safe adult about mistakes you have made?
Safety Rule 5 No Blame/No Shame
when do we use the acronym HEART?
Before posting anything online.
According to research how many teens experience Cyberbullying?
1 in 5
A healthy relationship is when two people?
Are supportive of each other
Can disagree without cause emotional or physical harm.
Respect each other, including their thoughts, privacy and boundaries
How do human or sexual traffickers get there victims?
Young people are often targeted, tricked, and traumatized by there traffickers.