Communication Skills
Friendships & Relationships
Conflict Resolution
Emotional Intelligence
Social Etiquette

This type of listening is done by making eye contact, nodding, and using facial expressions to show you are paying attention

What is active listening?


A key quality of a good friend

What is loyalty, trust, kindness, compassion...?


When arguments break out in the Althouse family, this person is always correct

Who is Mrs. Althouse


This is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions

What is self-awareness?


What you should say when someone gives you a compliment

What is "thank you"?


The ability to express your thoughts and feelings confidently while respecting others

What is assertiveness?


If a friend is going through a hard time, the best thing you can do is offer this

What is support (or empathy, listening, being there for them, etc.)?


Give an example of an "I" statement

What is "I feel.... when you...."?


When someone understands how another person is feeling, they are showing this

What is empathy?


You can show you are engaged in a group conversation by doing this

What is making eye contact, nodding, or responding to what others say


The kind of body language someone uses when they cross their arms and avoid eye contact

What is closed or defensive body language?


This term describes when someone or a group of people try to convince you to do something you do not want to do

What is peer pressure?


A situation where both sides find a middle ground or fair solution is called this

What is a compromise?


True or False: You can control your emotions completely.

What is false? (You can manage emotions, but you can’t stop them from happening.)


Something you can do when you are in a heated discussion online before you respond

What is "think before you type" or "pause until you are more calm before responding"?


This type of question encourages longer, more thoughtful responses instead of just "yes" or "no" answers

What is an open-ended question?


True of False: Healthy friendships should have equal effort from both people

What is true?


True or False: Walking away from an argument always means you’re avoiding the problem

What is false? (Sometimes taking a break is necessary before solving an issue.)


This strategy can help you respond instead of reacting in emotional situations.

What is taking deep breaths or counting to 10?


True or False: It’s okay to interrupt someone if you really want to say something

What is false?


Name two things you should avoid doing when having an important conversation 1 on 1

What are interrupting and looking at your phone


Name two red flags in a toxic friendship

What are manipulation, being bossy, being constantly negative, not making time, jealousy, not listening, not responding to phone calls, texts, or emails, being a Dallas Cowboy fan,... etc.)?


If two friends are arguing, a neutral third person who helps them talk it out is called this

What is a mediator?


The bubble around you that you would prefer not to be occupied by anyone other than yourself

What is personal space?


Do these three things when meeting someone for the first time

What are introduce yourself, make eye contact, shake hands (or wave), or smile?