"S" in STEM
SDGs in Numbers
United "Nations"
Actually about the United Nations
Welcome to New York

The title of the chief administrative officer of the United Nations, responsible for overseeing its operations and promoting international cooperation.

Who is the Secretary-General?


This goal is on a mission to "energize" the world with affordable and clean energy for all.

What is "Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy?"


5% of population with access to electricity in 2022

What is "South Sudan"?

These two countries are home to the United Nations headquarters.

Which are "United States" and "Switzerland"?


This famous park in the heart of Manhattan spans 843 acres and offers a green oasis with walking paths, lakes, and even a zoo.

What is "Central Park"?


This "S" term describes the practice of designing buildings to maximize natural light and reduce energy consumption.

What is "sustainable architecture"?


This goal is all about equalizing the playing field, aiming to empower women and girls everywhere.

What is "Goal 5: Gender Equality?"


100% of population with access to electricity

What is the "Mexico"?


This body of the UN is responsible for discussing important global issues and has representatives from all member countries, allowing each country to have a voice.

What is the "General Assembly"?


This area in New York City is known as the theater district and is home to Broadway, where many famous musicals and plays are performed.

What is "Times Square"?


This "S" is a method of storing energy generated from renewable sources for use when production is low.

What is "energy storage"?


This goal is all about keeping the peace and ensuring justice and strong institutions, aiming to create a world where everyone can feel safe and secure.

What is "Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions?"


50% of population with access to electricity

What is "Zimbabwe"?


The United Nations is comprised of this many Member States.

What is "193"?


This international complex serves as a symbol of international cooperation and diplomacy, hosting representatives from 193 member states.

What is the "United Nations Headquarters"?


This global pop star has the highest carbon footprint in the world due to her use of her private plane, which is not in "Style".

Who is Taylor Swift?


This goal is "climate-conscious," addressing urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

What is "Goal 13: Climate Action?"


91% of population with access to electricity

What is "Nepal"?


This UN agency provides loans to countries for development projects and works to reduce poverty by supporting economic growth.

What is the "World Bank"?


This towering skyscraper was the tallest building in the world when it was completed in 1931 and is known for its Art Deco architecture.

What is the "Empire State Building"?


One of the six principal organs of the United Nations, primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security.

What is the "Security Council"?


This goal wants to "clean up" the water supply, making sure everyone has access to safe and affordable drinking water.

What is "Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation?"


85% of population with access to electricity

What is "Afghanistan"?


The United Nations body carries out the day-to-day work of the UN as mandated by the General Assembly and the Organization's other main organs and is headed by the Secretary-General.

What is the "Secretariat"?


This famous statue, a gift from France, symbolizes freedom and democracy.

What is the "Statue of Liberty"?