
This country declared martial law after a naval altercation with Russia in Kerch Strait.

What is Russia


This player was voted the best player of 2018 for the Ballon D'or award. He was also voted as the best player of the World Cup.

Who is Luka Modric?


This superhero is the main character of one of the most popular movies in 2018 and one of the most popular video games as well. He is Marvel's most popular superhero and comic book to date.

Who is Spiderman?


In 2018, this tea loving country started a process to negotiate an agreement to leave the European Union.

What is the United Kingdom or Great Britain?


This player won the golden boot, but scored mostly penalty kicks.


Rami Malek played this famous Indian-British singer in the movie, "Bohemian Rhapsody."


Lula de Silva tried to run for re-election as president of this soccer loving country in 2018, but was sent to jail instead. In his absense, the extremist candidate, Jair Bolsonaro, was elected president of this cacao bean exporting nation. 


Three managers in history have won the world cup as a player and as a manager. They are Mario Zagallo of Brazil, Franz Beckenbauer of Germany, and this Frenchman with the same initials as "Dunkin Donuts"


This popular villain said, "Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."


This former Ballon D'or winning soccer player was elected as the president of Liberia.

Who is George Weah?


This soccer player has scored seven world cup goals, and also wears the number seven for his country.

Who is Cristiano Ronaldo?


T'Chala, played by Chadwick Boseman, is the king of what country?

What is Wakanda?


In 2018, Justice Anthony Kennedy retired from he Supreme Court. Donald Trump appointed this man as his replacement.

Who is Brett Kavanaugh?


This Villareal player was scheduled to not start a single game in the 2018 world cup. After his team's main striker sustained an injury against Saudi Arabia, he was sent on and scored two goals, and performed sensationally for the rest of the tournament. After scoring 4 WC goals, his team was eliminated by eventual finalist, Coratia.

Who is Dennis Cheryschev?


This dystopian TV show parodied the controversial Chinese app "pinyin," which creates a social credit system that allows people to rate their neighbors in terms of their manners, kindness, pleasantness, and loyalty to China's communist party.

What is Black Mirror?