Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both, I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.
Michael Scott-The Office
What book of the Bible is 4th in the New Testament?
What has a head, a tail, is brown and no legs?
A Penny
When was Eastview founded?
What Avengers movie is the last to come out?
Avengers: End Game
Bacon Wrapped Shrimp is my #1 favorite food wrapped around my #2 favorite food.
Ron Swanson -Parks and Rec
What books of the Bible are written by females?
Ruth and Esther
David's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle and _____?
What does SWID stand for?
Southwest Indiana District
What is the number 4 at Taco Bell?
Mexican Pizza combo
People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday.
A.A. Milne -Winnie the Pooh
What is the last book of the OLD TESTAMENT?
What room do ghosts avoid?
How many and who have been the Pastors of Eastview?
Miller, Upshaw, Caplinger
What board game has a get out of free jail card?
The past can hurt, but you can either run from it or learn from it.
Rafiki -Lion King
What book is the shortest book in the Bible?
What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
Your name
How many General Superintends are in the Nazarene Church?
6 total
When is National ICE CREAM DAY?
JULY 21, 2019
Don't just fly SOAR.
How many books/letters did Paul write in the New Testament?
What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?
Starting: Staring, String, Sting, Sing, Sin, In, I
When was the Church of the Nazarene founded?
1907 (first General Assembly)
Who is the longest serving President in United States history?
Franklin D. Roosevelt