My name was changed after I was struct by a light from Heaven that left me blind for three days
Age to age He stands and time is in His hands, beginning and the end
How Great is our God
"You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your" this
Lot escaped the destruction of this place... but his wife didn't
Sodom and Gomorrah
The logo of this brand depicts an arm holding a hammer
Arm and hammer
I was married to Abraham.
The Heavens are roaring the praise of your glory for you are raised to life again
What a Beautiful Name
As an adjective, it means secluded; as a noun, it helps get your TV going
Mountain from where Jesus ascended into heaven
Mount of olives
Physician Robert Graves first identified this disease in 1835
Graves' Disease
I was called the "The Dreamer" by my brothers.
Lead Me on Lord from temptation purify me from within
A nervous laugh: 3 of its 6 letters are "G"s
What is the name of the village where Christ turned water into wine?
Cana of Galilee
A cation is a positively charged one of these; an anion is a negatively charged one
I played my harp for King Saul
Wasn't holding You up so there's nothing I can do to let You down. It doesn't take a trophy to make You proud, I'll never be more loved than I am right now
This chess piece can only move diagonally
The city where Jesus was buried in
Leonardo da Vinci was born near this small Tuscan town in 1519
Open bible. First to find it gets the points.
I was the wife of Joseph who had the coat of many colors. (Hint: Genesis 41)
Finish the lyric: "Oh the overwhelming, never ending _______ ____ __ ____"
Reckless love of God
It can mean to rise into the air like an airplane or to take the throne
Place where the disciples were first called Christians.
Just before serving this Chinese soup, drop some beaten egg into it
Egg Drop Soup