Use Your Words
What Is it?
Abuse Who?
Red Flags

Pretending to be someone else when sending or posting mean or false messages online

What is "Impersonation"?


________ relationships consist of trust, honesty, respect, equality, and compromise.

A. Current

B. Healthy

C. Every

What is Healthy?


_____  ______ is the most easily recognizable type of abuse because it often leaves a mark. This includes pinching, hitting, shoving, or kicking.

A. Verbal Abuse

B. Physical Abuse

C. Emotional Abuse

B. Physical Abuse

What is Physical Abuse?


Nearly ______ high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year.

A. 200 Hundred

B. 1.5 Million

C. 10 Thousand

What is  1.5 Million?


These are three possible red flags in a relationship to signal that it may be unhealthy.

What are the following? Anger, sexual abuse, isolation, threats, blaming, using social status or privilege, peer pressure, intimidation


Posting mean comments online through emails, IM,chatrooms, social networking sites or sites setup to make fun of someone.

What is "denigration"?


If you find yourself bullying kids at school because you are angry or upset

What is GET HELP -  talk to your guidance counselor? 


_____  _______ are sometimes harder to identify or understand. This involves threatening a partner or harming their sense of self-worth. 

A. Emotional Abuse

B. Physical Abuse

C. Financial Abuse

What is Emotional Abuse?


1 in __ young people will be in an abusive or unhealthy relationship.

A. 10

B. 5

C. 3

What is 3?


These are 3 signs of a healthy relationship

What are the following? Clear boundaries, mutual respect, honesty, working together, active listening, vulnerability, and genuineness 


Repeatedly sending malicious messages to someone online

What is "harassment"?


This is a great response if someone is using words that don't feel comfortable to you. 

What is "Set a boundary!" ( Tell me an example!)


_______   _________ is a type of emotional or sexual abuse. It includes constant texts and phone calls, using social media or GPS/spyware to track someone’s location, stealing passwords, or pressuring them to send explicit photos and videos.

A. Stalking

B. Digital Abuse

C. Location Abuse

What is Digital Abuse?


A CDC survey found that __% of high school students had been physically hurt by a dating partner on purpose within the past year. 

A. 10

B. 50

C. 5

What is 10?


When people want to hang out with or laugh when a person is bullying others

What is "vicarious" enjoyment while watching without getting hurt or in trouble?


Tricking someone into revealing personal information.

What is "Trickery"?


These are the steps to setting a healthy boundary with others

What is the following; 

1. notice when you're not feeling good about something 2. telling someone about the boundary you are setting 3. follow through 4. take care of yourself!


________ is a form of psychological abuse; it makes one partner feel like they can’t trust their own instincts, judgment and sense of reality. 

A. Stalking

B. Blackmail

C. Gaslighting

What is Gaslighting?


The leading cause of death among ethnic and racial minority youth is __________.

A. Drugs and Alcohol Abuse

B. Homicide

C. Suicide

What is  Homicide?


Having a life outside your relationship, being able to admit when you are wrong, supporting each other, the ability to compromise are all examples of this

What are green flags, healthy relationships and supportive friendships?


Online fights through emails, instant messaging (IM),or chatrooms where angry, rude or offensive messages are exchanged.

What is "Flaming"?


Asking someone's permission before doing something.

What is consent?


____  ____  ____ is  a pattern of behavior that includes physical, emotional, verbal or sexual abuse used by one partner in a current or former intimate relationship to exert power and control over another. It is generally defined as occurring among individuals between the ages of 13 and 19. 

A. Domestic Violence

B. Child Abuse

C. Teen Dating Violence

What is Teen Dating Violence?


__% percent of parents believe teen dating violence is not an issue or admit they don’t know if it’s an issue.

A. 81

B. 55

C. 30

What is 81?


List early warning signs of teen violence

What is humiliating and degrading behavior, wanting to isolate you from friends and family, love bombing, destruction of property, repeatedly checking your snapchap or messages