Physical Self Care
Emotional Self Care
Self Care Myths
Relationship Self Care

How much sleep should you get a night?

8-9 hours!


True or False: it is ok to cry.

True! Crying can be a healthy way to release emotions and express how you are feeling.


True or False: Self Care is selfish and is a luxury.

False!! Self care is NEEDED!


What is one self care practice in your relationships you can use when you are feeling overwhelmed or have too much to do?

Learn to say No (nicely), communicate how you feel.


What does it mean when Talkspace therapy is confidential?

Things that you share with your therapist during sessions are private and will not be shared with others!

Confidentiality can only be broken if a provider is worried someone will harm themselves or others.


First group to get to 15 jumping jacks (each group member) wins!!

1 2 3 GO!!


Name one way you take care of your self that involves emotions.


-Reaching out to a friend


-Positive self talk/Affirmations

-Process emotions with self or trusted adult


True or False: Self care is a one time practice

False! Self care is an ongoing practice 


Name one way you can practice self care in your relationships (Friends, Family etc.)


-Set Boundaries

-Ask for help

-Be vulnerable/honest 


Do you need a BIG reason to go to therapy?

Nope! Therapy is meant to help you through every aspect of your life.


Each group gets into height order! First group to do this properly wins!

3 2 1 GO!!


What is something that is not emotional self care?

- Bottling up emotions

- Not expressing how you feel (in an appropriate way)

- Forcing yourself not to cry when upset

- Not taking a break or time to process 

- Yelling at someone when you are upset or blaming them for your feelings (only you control your feelings/reaction, if someone hurt you then communicate that their actions have upset you)


True or False: Self Care isn't always fun and easy.

True! Sometimes self care includes doing things that are good for yourself but aren't fun or exciting (like exercising when you don't want to or going to therapy or processing something you would rather leave alone)


When you take care of your self, how does it effect your relationships with others?

-Less conflict. 

-More joy. 

-Less isolation. 

-More connection. 

-Better boundaries.


When can you text your provider?

Whenever you want! You can text 24/7! 

Think of it like journaling but with the feedback and guidance of a professional who has your best interest at heart. 

(Providers will respond during their working hours)


Name two ways you take care of yourself that involves a physical activity.






-progressive muscle relaxation


Name one workable coping skill to use when you are angry.

-Take a break

-Rip paper (or something similar)

-Exercise/Using punching bags

-Scream/yell (in an appropriate place like outside or my personal favorite: Scream sing)

-Shower to cool off


True or false: Self care is just "treating yourself", including a full day of pampering and doing whatever you like.

False: Self care isnt always easy. While watching TV all day or eating and entire pint of ice cream is nice, it can lead to unhealthy habits or avoiding other self care


Name a way that you take care of yourself that involves friends or family.

-Spending time with them. 

-Calling someone when you are lonely or upset. 

-Sharing a meal with your family. 

-Inviting friends over for a party.

-Having good boundaries. 


T or F: Mental health includes how we handle stress, relate to others, and our choices.



One group member runs a circle around each other group member! First group to circle each member of their group wins!

3 2 1 GO!


Role play (or tell me) an example of how you can express your emotions to someone appropriately.

Best one wins points for their team (1 person each)


True or False: Self care is an individual activity and doesn't include others in your self care plan.

False. Self care doesnt mean having to isolate, it can be good to include others in your plan or reach out to others when needed.


Role play (or tell me) an example of how to appropriately set boundaries with someone.

Best one wins points (1 person from each team)


Is teenspace free? What are the requirements to sign up?

YES! Teenspace is completely free!

Requirements: Live in one of the five boroughs, 13-17 years old