Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Present perfect
Present Perfect vs Past Perfect
Past Perfect vs Past Simple

When Ari _______________ (arrive) home, her mother ______________________ (talk) to the children and her father ___________________ (sleep)

When Ari arrived home, her mother was talking to the children and her father was sleeping.


She's been a free-diver _________ some time now.


She's been a free-diver for some time now. 


I __________never ________ (hear) of this castle until I came to England.

I had never heard of this castle until I came to England.


She (throw) ___________________ away the letter that she (write) ______________________

She threw away the letter she had written


Most of us _____________ (listen) to the lecturer but some students _____________ (whisper) to each other. One of the boys _____________ (close) his eyes and _____________ (fall) asleep).

Most of us were listening to the lecturer but some students were whispering to each other. One of the boys closed his eyes and fell asleep. 


I ____________________(wonder) if you could help me.

I was wondering if you could help me


My family has lived on this island ______ ten years.

My family has lived on this island for ten years.


We had to go back to the cafe because my friend _______________ (leave) her bag there.

We had to go back to the cafe because my friend had left her bag there.


Yesterday, my brother _______________ (prepared) the dinner by the time I _______________ (arrived) home. 

Yesterday, my brother had prepared dinner by the time I arrived home.


My parents have ________(buy) a new house, but I haven't seen it ________.

My parents have bought a new house, but I haven't seen it yet. 


The archeologists ______________ (discover) a cave while they ________________(have breakfast and walk).

The archeologists discovered a cave while they were having breakfast and walking.



Have you ________ been to Florence?

Have you ever been to Florence?


I bought some postcards of parts of the castle I ___________ (see) earlier during the tour.

I bought some postcards of parts of the castle I had seen earlier during the tour.


When the kids (wake up) ____________________, their parents (already / prepare) ___________________ breakfast.

When the kids woke up their parents had already prepared the breakfast


When she (start) ___________________ to learn English, she (already / learn) _______________ French.

When she started to learn English, she had already learned French. 


The past form of "deal", "spend", "take" and "shine".


1. dealt
2. spent
3. took
4. shone


Past participle of 
"get", "learn", "swim" and "teach"

1. got (uk) or gotten (us)
2. learnt (uk) learned (us) 
3. swum
4. taught


_________ you ___________ (meet) any famous person before you were in London?

Had you met any famous person before you were in London?


Before yesterday we (never / think) ________________________ about going to Japan.

Before yesterday we had never thought about going to Japan. 


While I ______________ (read) my English book I ____________(hear) a noise. I ___________(think) that I ________________(hear) that noise before, so I ___________ (call) my mother.

While I was reading my English book I heard a noise. I thought that I had heard that noise before, so I called my mother. 


Complete the strange dream:

While I ____________ (study) for my exam, my brother ________________ (play) on the computer and my best friend ____________ (cry) because of her boyfriend. Suddenly my mother _____________(show up) and we ___________________ (go) to the cinema.

While I was studying for my exam, my brother was playing on the computer and my best friend was crying because of her boyfriend. Suddenly my mother showed up and we went to the cinema


- They _______________ (not be) to Italy _______ 1995.
- Really! I __________never ________ (be) there, but I _____________ (visit) Peru twice.

- They have not been to Italy since 1995.
- Really! I have never been there, but I have visited Peru twice. 


Yesterday, when I left the restaurant I realized that I ___________ (pay) more than I should have.

Yesterday, when I left the restaurant I realized that I had paid more than I should have.


By the time he (arrive) ________________________ at the pub, they (run) __________________ out of orange juice.

By the time he arrived at the Pub, they had run out of orange juice. 


She _____________ (ride) her bike back home when she _______(fall) down. Someone __________ (come) to help her. He _______(be) the most hand-some boy she ________ ever______(see).

She was riding her bike back home when she fell. Someone came to help her. He was the most handsome boy she had ever seen.