What is Page 8 line 11 about?
The bracha thanking Hashem for the mitzvah of Netilas Yadayim
What word from Chumash class is similar to Pesukei?
What does Ahavah Rabbah mean?
You, Hashem, have loved us very much
What does Shemoneh Esrei mean? How many Brachos are there in Shemoneh Esrei?
18, 19
If you need to use the bathroom a little, and it's time to daven, what should you do?
If possible, try to use the bathroom first.
When do we say Asher Yatzar?
In the morning and after we use the bathroom
What does Baruch Sheamar mean?
Blessed is He who said
What do Ahava Rabbah and Shema have in common?
They both talk about the love between Hashem and the Jews.
What does Hashem Sefasai Tiftach mean?
We praise Hashem in davening. Does Hashem need us to praise him?
No, we are just reminding ourselves of all the good Hashem does for us.
What is Page 9 line 6 about?
The bracha thanking Hashem for the Torah
What does Ashrei Yoshvei Veisecha mean?
The people who sit in your house should be praised.
What does the first Pasuk of Shema mean?
Listen Jews, Hashem our God is One.
What is the first bracha of Shemoneh Esrei called?
Which is more important: Davening a lot of words with a little bit of Focus or a few words with a lot of Focus?
A few words with a lot of Focus.
Which part of Davening is actually learning Torah?
Page 10, Line 1-11
What does Poseiach es Yadecha mean?
You open up your hand
What does Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuso Leolam Vaed mean?
The name of the glory of his kingdomm should be blessed forever and ever.
What is the second bracha of Shemoneh Esrei called?
Who was the first person who davened to Hashem?
The 15 brachos match up to the 15 steps into the Beis Hamikdash. What does Shemoneh Esrei match up to in the Beis Hamikdash?
The Kodesh Hakodashim where the Aron was.
What does Yishtabach mean?
He should be praised.
What does Veahavta mean?
And you should love Hashem
What is the third bracha of Shemoneh Esrei called?
Who was the first person who davened Shacharis?