Oh no! I keep making typos in my advisor bios!! What should I use??
My client wants to do a project on LinkedIn!!! Can I recommend this advisor who works at Microsoft?
No you FOOL
Let me Google that for you
If you can't get the snapchat ticker I don't know what to tell you
HOW should I be logging my security incidents?? It's so much data I don't know what to do!!
What is splunk?!!!
I was trying to find my advisor's LinkedIn and Googled his name. Found his profile but also found and SEC filing against him! That's fine right????
No you FOOL
This parent company provides you with the most expensive salads in the world from Whole Foods
Who is Amazon
Tweet tweet - from weird bean memes to POTUS declarations, Twitter is a a comedic goldmine
My call center stinks! I need a better solution!!!!!!
What is Five9?!?!?!
(We will also accept RingCentral)
My advisor has an NDA for the target company :( can she still be on this project?
Oh yeah!!!!!!! We work with my advisors with NDAs and make sure beforehand to lay out what can and can't be talked about in the call - thanks for checking!!!
This beautiful multinational conglomerate holding company gave us the world-renowned Geico Gecko
Who is Berkshire Hathaway
Make sure those dial-ins are updated so your advisor isn't calling in to a random Twilio line
Oh no! Someone slipped and fell in my apartment building and I don't have homeowners insurance! Who should I have called before to make sure I was covered with a relatively low, cost-effective and easy to use model who just recently filed for an IPO?!?!?!
Who is Lemonade??
These TWO clients needs every single advisor to be at least 6 months removed from ANY public company
Who is Atika andddd Baron Cap!!
If you want to text an advisor abroad, most of them will suggest you use Whatsapp to hit them up - owned by this parent company
What is Facebook aka the ZuckZone
The platform that blessed us with Tiger King, Netflix is the one thing getting most of us through quarantine
What is NFLX
Need a nice cost effective HR solution. Prefer Japanese vendors! CORRECT SPELLING ONLY
What is Freee!!!!
What is 50 MILLION BIG ONES (and probably a lifetime of being shunned by your old peers)
Arby's has the meats, but this company has Arby's, BWW, AND Jimmy John's meats
Who is Inspire Brands
Do you need an AC for your apartment in China? Midea Group has your back!!!
What is 000333