Compound Sentences
Run-on Sentences
Comma Splices

What is a compound sentence?

A compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two independent clauses joined together with a coordinating conjunction.


What defines a run-on sentence?

A run-on sentence is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses without proper punctuation or conjunctions to separate them.


What is a sentence fragment?

A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete thought.


Define a comma splice.

A comma splice is a grammatical error that occurs when two independent clauses are joined together with only a comma, without a coordinating conjunction or proper punctuation.


Provide an example of a compound sentence using a coordinating conjunction.

Example "I enjoy reading books, but she likes to watch movies."


Why are run-on sentences considered grammatically incorrect?

Run-on sentences are considered grammatically incorrect because they can confuse the reader and disrupt the clarity and flow of the writing.


Why should fragments be avoided in writing?

Fragments should be avoided in writing because they can create confusion and lack clarity for the reader.


Why are comma splices considered errors in writing?

Comma splices are considered errors in writing because they create confusion and disrupt the flow of the text.


Explain why using coordinating conjunctions is important in forming compound sentences.

Using coordinating conjunctions is important in forming compound sentences because they help connect related ideas and improve the flow of the writing.


Correct the run-on sentence: "The weather was nice we decided to go for a walk."

"The weather was nice. We decided to go for a walk."


Turn the fragment "Running through the park on a sunny day." into a complete sentence.

 "I enjoy running through the park on a sunny day."


Correct the sentence with a comma splice: "She wanted to go shopping, she didn't have enough money."

"She wanted to go shopping, but she didn't have enough money."


Identify the coordinating conjunction in the following compound sentence: "She wanted to go to the movies, but he preferred staying home."

The coordinating conjunction in the sentence is "but."


Provide two ways to fix a run-on sentence.

Ways to fix a run-on sentence include adding a semicolon between the clauses or separating them into separate sentences with appropriate punctuation.


Give an example of how to correct a sentence fragment.

Turning "Because it was raining." into "We decided to stay indoors because it was raining."


Provide two methods for fixing a comma splice.

Methods for fixing a comma splice include adding a coordinating conjunction after the comma or replacing the comma with a semicolon or period.


Combine the following sentences into a compound sentence using a coordinating conjunction: "I enjoy reading books." "She likes to watch movies."

Combined sentence: "I enjoy reading books, but she likes to watch movies."


Identify and correct the run-on sentence: "I have a lot of homework due tomorrow I will need to stay up late to finish it."

"I have a lot of homework due tomorrow. I will need to stay up late to finish it."


Identify and complete the sentence fragment: "After the rain stopped,."

"After the rain stopped, we went outside to play."


Identify and correct the comma splice in the sentence: "The concert was amazing, everyone had a great time."

"The concert was amazing. Everyone had a great time."