Lewis and Clark passed through America in this year.
What is 1805?
This tribe, and others were forcibly removed from their ancestral land.
TEK-informed forest management is this.
What is "humans strategies that can be revised as needed."?
Article #10 brief overview.
The EBCI provided research to sign an agreement this U.S. gov to harvest Sochan in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Full name of article #10 is this.
What is "Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians begin plant gathering in Great Smoky Mountains National Park based on Traditional Ecological Knowledge"?
Student who removed two thirds of the forest trees in their valley.
Who is Jaden Raatz?
TFPA stands for this.
What is Tribal Forest Protection Act?
Traditional Ecological Knowledge is this.
What is "knowledge and practices generated and passed down by Indigenous people across generations, informed by cultural memories, and sensitivity to change."?
They used this to improve forest health in their Dr. Cristina's area.
What is Mechanical Thinning?
The scientific name for Spring Green Sochan is this.
Rudbeckia lacinianta
Year the TFPA enabled stewardship agreements between federal agencies and tribes.
What is 2004?
OSU stands for this.
What is Oregon State University?
TEK is place-based and informed by this.
What is "thousands of years of observation."?
EBCI stands for this.
What is Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians?
The ____ Good Neighbor Authority is further advancing partnerships in adaptive management of federal land between Tribal Nations and federal natural resource agencies.
What is 2018?
TEK stands for this.
What is Traditional Ecological Knowledge?
TEK land-care practices include using these.
What is "prescribed burning and seasonal flooding to modify vegetation, conserving culturally significant species such as beaver and bison, or adjusting timber use to create more sustainable communities of traditional plants that provide wildlife habitat, and in turn, food and medicine for humans."? (That that is italicized is answers you need at least 3 out of 9)
This is.
What is Edible Spring Green Sochan?
On this date the EBCI signed a historic agreement with Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
What is March 25th 2019?
For ___ years Dr. Cristina Eisenberg and her family have been living in a valley in Montana.
What is 27?
This tribe of indigenous people were punished for using cultural fire.
What is Pend d’Oreille?
This threatened species returned within 2 months of TEK forest management techniques.
What is lynx?
This is who.
Who is Dr. Cristina Eisenburg?
The EBCI have been partnering with this scientist.
Who is Forest Service biologists Dr. Michelle Baumflek?