Health Disparities
Study Details
Community-based Participatory Research
Study Results
Conclusion and Summary

What is one of the chronic conditions more prevalent in older Black adults ages 55 or older compared to younger adults and white adults?

What is Type 2 diabetes or hypertension or CVD or colon cancer or prostate cancer?


Participants in the study were recruited from two racially diverse cities in which region of the United States?

What is the Southeastern United States?


In this study, trained Black adult community members were recruited to assist with data collection and participant enrollment. What were they called?

What are community scientists?


By changing the independent variable, there were 3 types of videos being viewed by the participants: neutral physician behavior, microaggressive behavior, and this. 

What is culturally-sensitive behavior?


There is no none study conducted on how physician communication behaviors play a direct role in African American patients' this to the Telehealth style of healthcare.



What is one structural barrier that prevents many low-income Black adults from accessing traditional in-person healthcare?

What is Lack of transportation or cultural beliefs or perceived cultural insensitivity of health care providers or lack of trust in providers?


This 43-item questionnaire was developed by researchers to assess participants' demographics and health history.

What is the Demographic and Health Information Questionnaire (DHIQ)?)


What system was used by community scientists to securely store participant data?

What is REDCap?


What was the N and the average age of the sample of participants used for this study?

N = 110; mean age = 66.6


What two key components of the neutral communication behavior displayed by the physician most likely caused African American patients to be more likely to continue seeking medical guidance from them?

Straightforwardness and Professionalism


During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth services were rapidly expanded, but Black, low-income, older adults were less likely to access video visits due to these two major barriers.

What are lack of digital literacy and limited access to technology?


Participants were randomly assigned to watch one of three videos featuring a doctor discussing telehealth. In one video, the doctor displayed subtle racial biases. What was this video called?

What is the microaggressive video?


 Before beginning recruitment and data collection, community scientists had to complete these required trainings.

What are Institutional Review Board (IRB) researcher trainings?


Those who observed an overwhelming number of these were found not to choose that physician to be their medical provider in a Telehealth format.



These kinds of approaches to the uptake of the Telehealth method of healthcare acquisition may not be the best method for older Black adults. 



African American participants in a focus group study expressed more concerns than Latino participants about telehealth visits in these three areas.

What are confidentiality, privacy, and physical absence of specialists?


The study utilized this recruitment method, which involves asking enrolled participants to refer others to the study.

What is the snowball technique?


Name one location where in-person enrollment meetings were held for study participants.

What is a church, a local aging center, or the principal investigator’s research lab?


Large p-values were associated with this conclusion when data analysis was conducted after the pre and post-intervention implementation.

Produced non-statistically significant results


What was one limitation of this study that was highlighted in the research article?

1. differences in baseline willingness, 2. generalization of the study despite a geographical area that observes higher disparity rates, 3. immediacy of the post-intervention data retrieval


What is the variable that was manipulated with levels of cultural sensitivity and information provided varying across the three videos?

What is the physicians behavior?


What is one way the snowball technique was implemented?

Disseminate flyers about study


In CBPR, community members are not just participants; they are considered what?

What are equal partners in the research process?


This type of significance test found statistically significant results for the neutral video and non-statistically significant results for the other two.

Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test


These demographics still have a high demand for Telehealth services even after the return of pre-COVID healthcare administration to patients. 

Those living in rural areas, those who have low mobility capabilities, or elderly patients