Time to the nearest minute
Find the Start Time
Find the End Time
Story Problems
"Smart" Time
Look at Clock A
What is 8:25
John finished soccer practice at 5:00. His practice was one hour long. What time did John start soccer practice?
What is 4:00?
If Garrett leaves the house at 5:15 and runs for 30 minutes. When will he be done running?
What is 5:45?
Kathy took a road trip with her friend Vicky. They left at 12:15 and returned 4 hours later. At what time did they return home?
What is 4:15?
quarter after 5
What is 5:15?
See example B
What is 11:58
Nicolette gets to school at 8:45. It takes her 15 minutes to get to school. What time should Nicolette leave for school?
What is 8:30?
Mrs. Dalbec starting reading at 8:50. She read for 40 minutes. What time did Mrs. Dalbec finish reading?
What is 9:30?
Vivian is going on her first train ride. Her train will leave the station at 3:15pm. If the ride lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes, at what time will she arrive at her home?
What is 4:45?
half past 6
What is 6:30?
See example C
What is 9:56
Jake has to get to a doctor's appointment at 3:15. It will take him 30 minutes to get there. What time should he leave for the appointment?
What is 2:45?
Miss Stern ordered a pizza at 6:45. It took 35 minutes to arrive. What time did the pizza arrive?
What is 7:20?
Tonya reads 2 chapters of her book. She started reading at 8:30am and stopped reading 45 minutes later. At what time did she finish reading?
What is 9:15?
quarter 'til 8
What is 7:45?
See example D
What is 3:46
Heidi starts work at 7:45. It takes her 20 minutes to get ready and 40 minutes to get there. What time should Heidi start getting ready?
What is 6:45?
Mrs. Hehr went on a walk with her dog at 8:15. She walked with her dog for 1 hour and 15 minutes. When did Mrs. Hehr finish walking her dog?
What is 9:30?
Ryan and Raquelle started playing with their iPads at 2:00pm. If they played for 2 hours and 15 minutes, at what time did they finish playing?
What is 4:15?

5 minutes until 7

What is 6:55?

See example E
What is 7:09
Jenna wants to bake cookies. It will take her 10 minutes to buy the ingredients, 10 minutes to prepare, 10 minutes to make, and 30 minutes to bake. What time should Jenna start the cookie process if she needs to be done by 5:45?
What is 4:45?
3rd grade teachers started planning at 1:30. There were 5 subjects to plan for and each subject took 10 minutes to plan. What time did the 3rd grade teachers finish planning?
What is 2:20?
Nestor watched a movie at his friend's house. If the movie started at 3:00pm and he arrived 30 minutes before the move began, at what time did he arrive?
What is 2:30?
What is 12:00 am?