How many seconds are in a minute?
60 seconds
What does the long hand stand for?
How many hours are included in Military Time?
24 Hours
How many hours are included in Regular Time? How many are showed on the clock
12 Hours
Who held Naruto hostage when he was born?
Obito Uchiha
How many hours are in a week?
168 Hours
Each dash/line on the clock represents what?
A Minute
Military time requires "pm" and "am":
True or False?
What time does Regular Time start at (in Regular Time)?
12:00 am
To whom does Naruto call "Bushy Brow"?
Rock Lee
How many minutes are in a day?
1440 minutes
What would the clock read if both the long hand and the short hand were on 12?
What time does military time start at?
1:00 am or 01:00
What time does Regular Time end at (in Regular Time)? What is showed on the clock?
12:00 pm
Which character had a puppet on his back?
How many seconds are in a day?
86,400 seconds
What would the clock read if the long hand was on 5 and the short hand was on 6?
What time does Military Time end (in Regular Time)?
12:00 am or 24:00/0:00
How many cycles does Regular Time need to equate to a full day (24 hours)?
2 Cycles (Cycle 1=Morning, Cycle 2=Afternoon)
Who is the master of Taijutsu?
How many seconds are in a week?
604,800 seconds
What would the clock read if the SHORT hand was on 5 and the LONG hand was on 6?
How do you get to regular time?
For pm you subtract 12. For am you remove the 0 and add am (only if the hour is 1 digit)
Which time is not Regular Time?: A.01:45, B.2:45am,C.10:45pm
Who tricks Naruto into stealing a scroll in the first episode of the series?