What time is it?
(Long & Short Hand)
Quarter Of/Quarter To
Elapsed Time
(What Time?)
Elapsed Time
(How Long?)
What time is it?
(Minute & Hour Hand)
What time is it if the long hand is on the 12 and the short hand is on the 3?
What is 3:00?
What time is it if it is quarter after 3?
What is 3:15?
You arrived at the Portland Sea Dogs game at 6:00pm. It took you 2 hours to get there. What time did you start your trip?
What is 4:00pm?
You arrived at the park at 1:00pm. You left your house at 11:30am. How long did it take you to get there?
What is 1 1/2 hours?
What time is it if the minute hand is on the 12 and the hour hand is on the 9?
What is 9:00?
What time is it if the long hand is on the 6 and the short hand is on the 10?
What is 10:30?
What time is it if it is quarter to 10?
What is 9:45?
You left for the mall at 10:00am. It will take you 1 hour to get there. What time will you arrive?
What is 11:00am?
You arrived at the zoo at 5:00pm. You left your house at 2:30pm. How long did it take you to get there?
What is 2 1/2 hours?
What time is it if the minute hand is on the 10 and the hour hand is on the 2?
What is 2:50?
What time is it if the long hand is on the 4 and the short hand is on the 3?
What is 3:20?
What time is it if it is quarter after 10?
What is 10:15?
You want to get to your grandmother's house for a 5:00pm dinner. It takes you 3 1/2 hours to get there. What time should you start your trip?
What is 1:30pm?
You arrived at the restaurant at 7:30pm. You left your house at 6:55pm. How long did it take you to get there?
What is 35 minutes?
What time is it if the minute hand is on the 9 and the hour hand is on the 2?
What is 2:45?
What time is it if the long hand is on the 8 and the short hand is on the 5?
What is 5:40?
What time is it if it is quarter to 1?
What is 12:45?
You leave to go camping at 11:00am. It takes 4 1/2 hours to get there. What time will you arrive?
What is 3:30pm?
You arrived at the mall at 11:00am. You left your house at 10:15am. How long did it take you to get there?
What is 45 minutes?
What time is it if the minute hand is on the 4 and the hour hand is on the 4?
What is 4:20?
What time is it if the long hand is on the 2 and the short hand is on the 2?
What is 2:10?
What time is it if it is quarter after 6?
What is 6:15?
You leave for school at 7:30am. It takes you 25 minutes to get there. What time will you arrive?
What is 7:55am?
You arrived at the ball game at 3:00pm. You left your house at 10:30am. How long did it take you to get there?
What is 4 1/2 hours?
What time is it if the minute hand is on the 7 and the hour hand is on the 1?
What is 1:35?