Test Strategies
Can I go back a listen to questions, answer choices, and stories over again so I make the right choice?
What is
Will I be able to use a dictionary or Google translate on the TELPAS?
What is
Piece of cake means
What is
A simile is
What is
a comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as".
Some sequence words are
What is
first, second, next, then, last, finally, in conclusion.
The two lengths of recording times are
What is
45 seconds or 90 seconds.
Number of times I should read a passage
What is
as many times as you need to.
It's raining cats and dogs means
What is
it's raining heavily.
A metaphor is
What is
a comparison of two unlike things without using "like" or "as".
Some feeling words are
What is
enthusiastic, depressed, furious, etc.
To increase the time on my speaking recording I can
What is
add adjectives, personal experiences, 5 W's, transition words, emotions, 5 senses, academic vocabulary, figurative language, and idioms.
You cross out answers in a multiple-choice question to
What is
to eliminate choices, which will help you find the right answer
When pigs fly means
What is
Personification is
What is
giving human qualities to something that is not human.
What is
words that describe size, shape, color, etc.
Number of attempts I have to record
What is
2 attempts
The time you have to take the TELPAS is
What is
until 4:00.
Curiosity killed the cat means
What is
got in trouble.
An idiom is
What is
a saying that is understood by native speakers.
Some adjectives are
What is
gigantic, beautiful, ancient, etc.
I need to do this before recording my answers
What is
write them down.
Important words should be
What is
Have a blast means
What is
have a good time.
A hyperbole is
What is
an exaggeration.
A personal narrative should have these many paragraphs
What is