Jira Basics
Jira Objects
Tips and Tricks
Scrum Practices

The Jira term for the individual who creates a task or story

Who is the Reporter


What represents a development work item, requiring testing and a release to be completed in one sprint.

What is a Story? 


The day of the week that production releases occur

What is Monday


These are two ways to progress an issue or story on the Sprint Board (e.g. from "To Do" to "In Progress")

What is dragging to a column or changing the state of the issue/story (directly in the issue/story)


This methodology is a project management approach that involves breaking the project into phases and emphasizes continuous collaboration and improvement. Teams follow a cycle of planning, executing, and evaluating.

What is Agile


The Jira term for the individual who is responsible for completing or transitioning a task or story

Who is the Assignee


These are the four main issue types in Jira

What are epics, stories, tasks, and bugs


The name for large target deadlines for sections or versions of your work.

What are Releases


This 1990s cartoon is used to indicate level of importance for Jira issues

What is a Pokemon

Will also accept anime


This is an agile project management framework that helps teams structure and manage their work through a set of values, principles, and practices. It encourages teams to learn through experiences, self-organization, and reflection in order to continuously improve. 

What is Scrum


A Jira feature that provides a visual representation of key metrics and information about projects.

What is the Dashboard


What is the Jira issue type that is used to track defects or problems with the software or system?

What is a Bug


This is a way to find past and present tasks/stories across Jira projects. With it, you can also apply filters, such as status, assignee, and more.

What is the Issues tab

Issues view



Other than dragging a Jira task or story to the top of a column, what is another way to accomplish this?

What is clicking on the task or story's three dots and then selecting move > top of column


This type of team is responsible for giving the Scrum framework its name, as it involves joining together in a tight, organized formation.

What is Rugby

Rugby Team


The name of a query that is used to search for and display a specific set of issues in JIRA, which may or may not already be displayed on the current board

What is a Filter


Where do you find a high level view of all current Epics and their associated Sprints, Stories and Releases?

What is a Timeline? 


The field of a Jira Story or Bug where the Release is captured.

What is Fix Version


This mechanism helps you focus on specific details in your projects and to find important information without having to scroll through your entire team's work. You can check high-priority tasks to see that nothing is blocked or see individual team members' workloads at a glance.

What is Filtering

What is a Filter


Interactive- For this question, bring up a Jira Story

Before beginning work on a Story, the following fields must be properly defined. 

What is Sprint, Parent (EPIC), Description (Requirements), Assignee, and Story Points


This Jira feature allows users to plan work, track progress, and map dependencies within a single team and project.

What is Timeline View

What is the Timeline


What represents a measurable chunk of work that is a collection of stories that spans 1 or more sprints but no more than 3 months.

What is an Epic? 


The Atlassian application that is used to document and review Release Notes.

What is confluence?


When you type "C" in Jira, this form is displayed.

What is the Create Issue Form?


What is the dictionary definition of scrum? 

A Rugby play in which players come together in a tight formation and struggle to gain possession of the ball. 


The name for the path your issues take from creation to completion. It consists of a set of statuses and transitions that show work processes within your organization. 

What is a Workflow

What is a collection of Jira Objects that have no associated Sprint or Epic?

What is the backlog? 

In a specific release such as 2.1.4, what "1" represents. 

What is a Minor Release? 


Three of the many possible pre-defined filters that can be used on a Sprint Board

What is Epic, Issue Type, and Labels, Quick Filters, Assignee?


These are defined as the conditions that must be satisfied for a task or story (and all child issues) to be completed.

What are Acceptance Criteria