This was the second LDS temple constructed
Name the Sons of Lehi mentioned in the Book of Mormon by name (6).
Laman, Lemuel, Nephi, Sam, Jacob, Joseph
Name the current first presidency of the LDS Church
President Russel M. Nelson
Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Elder Henry B. Eyring
Name the 3 most current Presidents of the Church
President Hinckley
President Monson
President Nelson
Who said “Ma, sorry Ma!”
Teddy Salazar
Name one of the LDS temples that doesn't have a spire
Alberta Canada
Laie Hawaii
Mesa Arizona
This group of people from the Book of Mormon were first guided to the promised land in the Americas
The Jaredites
What is the name of this apostle?
D. Todd Christofferson
This is the oldest president of the Church
Russell M Nelson
What sport is always played by HP wizards?
How many years did it take to construct the Salt Lake Temple?
40 Years
There are this many Books in the Book of Mormon?
Who is the youngest current apostle?
Patrick Kearon
Prophet that dedicated the Salt Lake Temple
Wilford Woodruff
What song was played in Pocahontas?
Colors of the Wind
This president of the church has overseen the largest increase in LDS temples
Russell M Nelson
118 announced since becoming President in 2018
Moroni invites us to read, ponder and pray to ask God if the Book of Mormon is true in these verses.
Moroni 10:3-5
What is the name of this apostle?
Elder Dale G. Renlund
Name the 4 prophets with the last name Smith
Joseph Smith
Joseph F. Smith
George Albert Smith
Joseph Fielding Smith
Which state was the setting of the Twilight movie?
There are this many DEDICATED LDS temples currently in operation around the world
How many times is Jesus Christ mentioned or referred to in the Book of Mormon?
Which apostles are missionary companions when they served a mission?
Elder Jeffery R. Holland and Elder Quentin L. Cook
Name the first temple
Kirtland, Ohio
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas