The location of the City of Rome was determined by how many people according to mythology.
2 the story of the twins
Who in Team Avatar was not introduced until season/Book 2?
Which fast food chain has the slogan "Have It Your Way"?
Burger King
someone's ability to attract a person through charm, style, or attractiveness is called
Damage Per second
What type of religion did the Romans follow?
polytheistic religion
What is the only earth animal to be seen in Avatar the Last Airbender.
Bear in the jade palace
Which fast food chain is known for its square hamburgers?
In which U.S. state are wild, strange, unfortunate things most likely to happen, according to the internet?
Area of Affect
Caesar said this as he led his army across the Rubicon river beginning a civil war? Alea iacta est
the die is cast
in Avatar the Last Airbender bending originated from 5 sources give me 4 of them.
Air Bison, Fire Dragon, Earth Badger Moles, Water the moon, Spirit Lion Turtles.
What is the largest fast food chain in the world by number of locations?
Which of these terms refers to taking a bit of your friend's food?
Fanum Tax
Federal Bureau of Investigation
What year is it on the Roman Calendar?
2778= 2025+753
What is the only game that Uncle Iro is seen playing during the show.
Pi sho
Which chain is known for its "Doritos Locos Tacos"?
Taco Bell
What is the term for someone higher than an alpha?
Red Blue Green
How long was the roman empire that was started by Julius Creaser?
roughly 500 years -> 27 BC - 476 AD
What is the name of Uncle Iro's rea shop.
the Jasmin Dragon
What fast food chain introduced the first drive-thru window?
In-N-Out or Red's Giant Hamburg
And what is the name of the purple McDonad's drink?
Grimace Shake
Official Sound Track