What day of the week is the Sabbath day?
Sundown Friday until sundown Saturday.
Who was Yitro?
Moses's father in law
What does "bear false witness" mean?
In what book of the Torah do you find the Ten Commandments?
What story in the Torah is Yitro from?
What is one thing you could do to keep Shabbat?
varied answers
If my teacher assigns me homework and I tell her my dog ate it, which commandments am I breaking?
Do not lie
What is Moses doing that Yitro is upset about?
Mose is spending all his time judging the people instead of spending time with his family.
What is idolatry?
putting someone or something above God/ worshipping idols
What is Yitro's solution to the dilemma in the parshat?
That Moses appoints judges to make the decisions.
Who did God tell to bring the people of Israel to the bottom of the Mountain to hear Him give the commandments?
If you go to work on Shabbat, which commandment am I breaking?
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy
How can you be more like Yitro???
look for solutions before complaining to a friend about their behavior.