Practical Packing
First Aid Kit Construction
Hazardless Hiking
Winter Camping

This is the best item to pack all gear in for a camping trip.

What is a back pack?


A First Aid Kit should include this to remove splinters.

What are tweezers?


If a scout goes on even a short hike, he should have one of these.

What is a buddy?


A scout should pack at least one pair of these for every day he is camping.  

What are socks?


A scout needs to earn this before he can use an ax, saw, or pocket knife.

What is his Totin' Chip?


Scouts need these two items for a comfortable sleep.

What are are sleeping bag and sleeping pad?


A first aid kit should include one of these to stop the spread of germs while giving first aid.

What are soap, hand-sanitizing gel, or antibiotic ointment?


This is the best way to avoid getting lost on a hike.

What is always knowing where you are?


A scout should dress in several of these to insure he does not get too cold or too warm.

What are layers?


The scout in charge of meals for his patrol.

What is a grubmaster?


Something every scout brings camping for mealtimes, because nobody else will bring it for him.

What is his mess kit?


All First Aid Kits should contain a bunch of these in a variety of sizes.

What are adhesive bandages?


This is the best thing a scout can do to know what kind of clothing to wear on a hike

What is check the weather forecast?


A scout should bring more than one of these in addition to a sleeping bag for comfortable sleeping at night.

What are an extra sleeping bag, liner, or blanket?


What a Scout does to insure his chosen tent site is safe in a forest.

What is look up for dead branches?


Something every scout should pack on every camping trip for emergencies.

What is a personal First Aid Kit?


A good first aid kit will contain these to help the care giver remember important information about the emergency situation. 

What are a pencil and small notebook?


A scout should bring at least one of these on a hike to help being found if lost.

What are a whistle, mirror, flashlight, or bright clothes?


Proper footwear for winter camping.

What are warm, waterproof boots?


This is the one thing a scout is not allowed to have in a troop tent.

What is food?


A scout should bring at least one of these if going on a backpacking trip.

What is a map and compass?


An essential component of a First Aid kit, for giving a victim CPR.

What is a CPR barrier?


This is one part of the S.T.O.P. method that a scout should follow if lost.

What are Stay calm, Think, Observe, and Plan?


This is the one thing a scout should always avoid during cold weather camping to stay warm.

What is getting wet?


The troop rule when using sticks to tend the fire.

What is "The hot end of the stick should always be in the fire ring"?