The word that means 0.
What is LOVE?
The word you say when your ball goes onto someone else's court during game play.
What is ball on court?
The best doubles team needs to do this.
What is communication?
If you have a minimum of 1 "E" you go here Monday & Wednesday for 1 hour.
What is Study Tables?
The space between the singles and doubles sidelines on either side of the court that is considered out during singles.
What is the alley?
The score ALL
The call that you make to redo a serve or point.
What is let?
We need 3 players to play this position.
What is singles?
Students earn this for poor attendance or breaking school rules.
What is LOP?
This happens when the server's foot passes the baseline during their serve.
What is foot fault?
The score DEUCE.
What is 40-40?
Stored near the net post, NOT in the back of the court or near the fence.
What is the area on the court where you place your personal items at the start of the game?
We need 8 players to play this position.
What is doubles?
You can go here if you need extra help with homework during lunch or study hall.
What is the RAH Royal Academic Hub?
The ball is in even if it touches this.
What is the ball touches the line?
The score when you serve on the right side after deuce.
What is AD-In.
Only the players can determine this.
What is the OUT call determined by?
After your game finishes you need to do these 2 things.
What is report your score and cheer on your teammate?
You need to go 10 days in a row with PERFECT attendance to get off this.
What is LOP?
The area where the serve lands.
What is the service box?
This is played to 10-points after a tied game.
What is Super Tiebreaker?
After a point is completed, not during an unforced error a spectator is allowed to do this.
What is the appropriate time to cheer?
What is move you on the roster?
A student-athlete gets this award when they keep a 3.0 or higher GPA during their season.
What is All-Academic?
The game starts on this side of the court.
What is the right side of the court?