Present Tenses
Past Tenses
Future Tenses
Perfect tenses
Too, Enough, So, Such
Most mornings she ______________ (wake up) early to run before school, but today she ___________________ (sleep in) because she feels sick.

Most mornings she wakes up early to run before school, but today she is sleeping in because she feels sick.


Draw the timeline for the following sentence:

I was watching television when my father came home, because I had already done my homework.



1. Intentions/plans

2. Predictions

3. Predictions based on fact

4. Promises/favors

5. Spontaneous decisions

1. Going to

2. Will

3. Going to

4. Will

5. Will


Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: "I _____ (never / see) such a beautiful sunset."

I have never seen


Fill with too, enough, so or such

She is ____________ a good friend that she bought me an icecream.

She is such a good friend that she bought me an icecream.


My friend and I __________________ (go) to the cinema every weekend, but we ________________ (not see) the new horror film yet.

My friend and I go to the cinema every weekend, but we haven't seen the new horror film yet.


While Sophie _______________ (walk) up the street, she _______________ (see) an old friend.

While Sophie was walking up the street, she saw an old friend.


Tomorrow we ______________ (fly) to Venice.

Tomorrow we are flying to Venice.


Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: "She _____ (not / study) before yestereday's exam."

She had not studied before yesterday's exam. 


Complete with too, enough, so or such

That jacket is way ____________ expensive, I don't have enough money.

That jacket is way too expensive, I don't have enough money.


A: What ________________ (you/learn) in science this week?

B: Yesterday we learned about plant cells. _______________ (you/know) the difference between plant and animal cells?

A: What are you learning in science this week?

B: Yesterday we learned about plant cells. Do you know the difference between plant and animal cells?

What ________________________ (you / do) when I ________________________ (call) you last night?

What were you doing when I called you last night?


At 3AM today I _______________ (sleep).

At 3AM today I will be sleeping.


Choose the sentence with the correct perfect tense: "He ______ (already / finish) his homework before he went to bed."

"He had already finished his homework before he went to bed."

Complete with so, such, too, enough

The shoes were ______________ tight that they hurt my feet.

The shoes were so tight that they hurt my feet.


A: ________________ (she/arrive) at the party yet?

B: No, but she told me they _________________ (leave) now.

A: Has she arrived at the party yet?

B: No, but she told me they are leaving now.


What _____________ (Jane/do) when she _______________ (fall) and hurt herself?

What was Jane doing when she fell and hurt herself?

We probably _______________ (not win) this football game.
We probably won't win this football game.

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: "By the time I arrived, they ______ (already / leave)."

"By the time I arrived, they had already left."

Rewrite with SUCH

She is so funny. She always makes me laugh.

She is _________________ that she always makes me laugh.

She is such a funny person/girl that she always makes me laugh


He __________________ (not practice) piano very often, but he _____________ (play) beautifully. I _____________ (already/hear) him in concert 3 times!

He doesn't practice piano very often, but he plays beautifully. I have heard him in concert 3 times.


Fill in the verbs and draw the timeline

Yesterday I ______________ (lose) my phone while I ________________ (play) football. I was very upset because I ________________ (buy) it earlier that day!


Yesterday I lost my phone while I was playing football. I was very upset because I bought it earlier that day.


A:What ____________________ (she study) in University?

B: Maybe law, but she's not sure

What is she going to study in University?


 When do we use the future perfect tense?

To show an action that will be completed before a specific point or action in the future.


Rewrite with enough:

The shirt was too big for me.

The shirt wasn't _________________ for me.

The shirt wasn't small enough for me.