Present Tenses
Past Tenses
Future Tenses
Passive Voice
Mixed Tenses

Which is not a present tense form?

1. I've been studying at the BSU for a year.

2. He read a very interesting book.

3. All discoveries have opened the world.

4. I'm going to enter a  postgraduate course in 2022.

What if 2?

He read a very interesting book. 


Can you name  past forms and past participle of the verb 'be'?

what if

Was were been


When 'will' should be used?

1. To speak about plans and arrangements.

2. To predict or promise.

3. To show intentions. 

4. To inform about timetables/ programmes

What if 2?

To predict or promise.


1. The Pacific Ocean has been mapped by Abraham Ortelius.

2. The Pacific Ocean will be mapped by Abraham Ortelius.

3. The Pacific Ocean was mapped by Abraham Ortelius.

4. The Pacific Ocean is mapped by Abraham Ortelius.

What if 3?

The Pacific Ocean was mapped by Abraham Ortelius.


Can you translate the sentence?

Не переживай. Лекция начнется в 13.00. Ты не опоздаешь.

What if

"Don't worry. the lecture starts at 1 pm. You won't be late"?


'Since' refers to which tense?

What if

the Present Perfect Continuous?


What tense is used to express

recently completed action with evidence/result in the present?

What if

the Present Perfect? 


Choose the correct option. 

It's really cold today. I think it

1.will be snowing

2. is going to snow

3. will have been snowing  

4. will snow

What if 4?

Will snow


The large areas of the Sahara Desert __________ (sparsely inhabit).

What if

are sparsely inhabited?


What is the difference between the Present Perfect and Past Simple?

What if

Present  Perfect: recently completed actions happened at an unstated time in the past and connected with the present 

Past Simple: actions happened at a stated time in the past and cannot be repeated. 


People _______ (use) maps for thousands of years. 

What if

have been using?


Can you list all the markers used with the Past Simple Tense?

What if

Last, yesterday,  the day before yesterday,  ago, in (2019), date/day ( on the 4th of July, on Monday), when. 


Can you give an example of a sentence with the Future Continuous?

Wthat if

"He’ll be writing his coursework this time next week"?


By 1992 the area of the Aral Sea _____ (reduce) to 13.000 mi2.

What if

had been reduced?


Can you create a complex sentence (2 simple sentences) with 'when'?

What if

"I was reading a book when the phone rang"? 


Can you list all the markers used with the Present Simple Tense?

What if

Usually,  regularly,  often,  sometimes,  seldom,  rarely,  from time to time,  every


What's the difference between past perfect and past continuous?

What if

Past Perfect:: an action happened before another one in the past.

Past continuous:  an action was happening at the same time with another one in the past.


John __________ (work) in Edinburgh  for two years by the end of this month. 

What if

will have been working? 


Can you create a sentence with 'just'?

What if

"The question has just been answered"? 


A new planet __________  ( discover) by the end of this century. 

What if

will have been discovered? 


The world’s rainforests  _______ (currently disappear)  at a rate of 6000 acres every hour.

What if

are currently disappearing?


Can you correct the mistakes?

I hadn't answered the call because  I drove.

What if 

I didn't answer the call because I was driving?


Can you translate the sentence?

Если ледники Гренландии растают, уровень моря поднимется приблизительно на 7 метров.

What if

"If Greenland’s ice melts, sea levels will rise by nearly 7 meters"?


Can you translate the sentence?

В настоящее время активно разрабатываются новые методы по очистке загрязненных водоемов. 

What if

"At present new methods to clean up polluted water objects are being actively developed"?


Can you translate the sentence?

До того, как Христофор Колумб открыл Америку, люди верили, что Земля плоская.

What if

"Before Christopher Columbus discovered America people had believed that the Earth was flat"?