the transformation from a traditional, rural, agrarian society to a secular, urban, industrial society
Middle East
the goal of Atatürk’s reforms was to
modernize Turkey
Water scarcity in africa is due to
this religious group makes up 99% of Iran
the movement of population into cities and away from rural areas.
While many countries became secular in the late 1900s, this country became more non-secular
Which leader’s political legacy most directly influenced the tense situation in Iran
Ayatollah Khomeini
Changes in Asian culture from the 1900s onward include
less arranged marriages
more western culture
western music
more urbanization
Ayatollah Khomeini came to power after this revolution (include year)
Iranian Revolution 1979
the process of becoming nonreligious or the decline of religion
he first president of the Republic of Turkey, helped to modernize
Kemal Attaturk
under Shah Reza Pahlavi Iran...
focused on expanding access to education and improving the quality of education.
Modernization in Africa has led to
Increased tensions between tribes
Unsanitary living in cities
Dirty water due to poor infrastructure
Rwandan Genocide was between these groups
Hutu & Tutsi
the process of adopting Western culture and practices by people or societies outside of Western Europe or North America
was an Iranian religious leader and revolutionary who established Iran's Islamic Republic in 1979.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Law of 1925 was passed, making European-style men’s headwear de rigueur [fashionable] and punishing fez-wearers with lengthy sentences of imprisonment at hard labor, and even a few hangings. . .
this suggests modernization was met with
what are effects of urbanization
Increased pollution in urban centers
This was the year Kemal Attaturk became Turkey's first president
government by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided
was the first shah of Iran's Pahlavi dynasty and a reformer who established the foundations of modern Iran.
Reza Shah Pahlavi
Theocracy in Iran has led to this effect on women
less education for women
Identify a central cause for the movement into cities
more job opportunities
The Rwandan conflict & genocide could be traced back to this European country's intervention