Gothic Horror
Costume Design
Set design

Name 3 elements of the Gothic Horror genre?

supernatural forces, dark, foreboding, gloomy, grotesque, monstrous, fear, terror, tragic hero, violence, revenge, light/darkness, suspense, tension, unanswered questions, ghosts 


Why are comstumes important?

They convey messages, show status, power/no power, subtext, feelings


Name 3 techniques of Fairytale theatre

Exaggeration and stylisation, elaborate costumes and stageing, music, singing and sound effects are crucial, puppetry and masks, audience interaction (break fourth wall, asides, soliloquies, transformation scenes


What is a traverse stage/space in theatre


What is an aside?

When the performer speaks to the audience, but is 'unheard' by the other performers.


Who is the main protagonist of Frankenstein and who does he meet near the end of the story?

Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton (the explorer)


Why can the colour or texture of a costume be important? 

Colours can attract, repel, advance, recede, stimulate or quiet, feelings, atmosphere


name 2 moral lessons of Wicked

prejudice (judging others on looks or bacground), friendship, bullying, ambition, right and wrong, two sides to every story


What is immersive theatre and how is it different from traditional theatre?

The set is typically inside a building that the audience may move through the stage settings, interact with the props, or observe the actors at their own pace, their interference has no bearing on the story or the performers except in rare instances.


What is meant by subtext in performance of a character?

Subtext refers to a deeper meaning of a character and is not explicitly communicated to the audience. The audience notice the subtext of a character by observation and paying attention throughout a play.

What era was Frankenstein written and what was prevalent at the time?

Victorian era and superstition 

What stage crafting did the Lion King production use a lot of?

Puppetry, masks, mood lighting, music, beading, feathers, adorment (jewellery)


Inregard to Fairytale theatre, director Tilly Grimes said: "We have the ________ version, and we have the ________’ version,”

Disney version, Grimms' version


Who gets final say of a production and why?

The director and its because the production and performance is based off their 'vision'


What is a soliloquy? and what is its purpose?

It is a character speaking their thoughts aloud when on stage. This is to reveal their thoughts to the audience and build tension


Who is the real monster of Frankenstein and why?

Victor Frankenstein, he played God, he created another being and abandoned it, relinguished responsibility of the creature. Any other good answers will be considered


What is the purpose of a production poster?

  • Attract attention quickly 

  • Communicate the content/feel/vision of the play 

  • Present production information clearly


Name three conventions of Fairytale theatre

Narration, stock characters, moral lessons, happy endings (or neat endings), fantasy elements (magic, fairies, talking animals etc)

The immersive theatre production: Sleep No More (by PunchDrunk), what did the audience have to do?

The had to wear masks 


What is a tableaux?

freeze frames, or also known as still images


Name 3 themes of Frankenstein

  • Creation and responsibility.

  • Isolation and loneliness.

  • Revenge and Justice.

  • The nature of humanity

  • Ethical boundaries and science

  • Tragic consequences


The cats is a musical and you can tell by the eyes


How is the film The Wizard of Oz related to Wicked and what was the moral lesson?

Wizard of Oz was the prequeal of Wicked and the lesson is that "stop being what others expect you to be and simply be who you are", dont get "stuck on the yellow brick road" and blaming others for your circumstances, dont expect something "magic" to happen to fix/change your problems


What is stagecrafting? and name 3 aspects

Stagecrafting is considered the 'bones' of a production. its includes; set Design, lighting, sound design, costume designs, props, decor, makeup & hair, stage management, technical directions, budget management, backstage management, rehearsals, cue calling, safety, special effects, projection and multimedia


What is the difference of a soliloquy and a monologue?

A monologue is a long speech delivered by a character (the other characters hear it) and a solioquy is a character speaking their thoughts aloud for the audiences benefit (the other characters are not aware in scene)