What ultimately made the US join the war?
– Attack on Pearl Harbor
Accusations without evidence to prove them
- McCarthyism
Brown v. Board of Education decided what
– Separate is not Equal
What country controlled colonial Vietnam
- France
What is disenfranchisement
– denying voting rights
Act that gave allied powers much needed weapons regardless of their ability to pay
– Lend/Lease Act
Two ways the US dealt with the spread of communism
– Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, regional conflicts
–Campaign to register African American to vote, focusing mainly on the state of Mississippi
– Freedom Summer
Eisenhower’s theory if Vietnam fell to communism, all the Southeast Asia would too
– Domino Theory
Ohio National Guard shot and killed student anti-war protestors on what campus in ’70
– Kent State
Who were the dictators of Europe
– Hitler, Stalin, & Mussolini
Leaders of the US, Cuba & USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis
– JFK, Fidel Castro & Nikita Khrushchev
All citizens are guaranteed “equal protection of the laws” by
– 14th amendment
What gave Lyndon Johnson the authority to conduct war in Vietnam
– Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Name the 3 aspects of Direct Action
– 1) Mass Mobilization 2)Civil Disobedience 3)Non-violent Resistance
Agreement by FDR and Churchill that set up goals of WWII & led to creation of the UN
– Atlantic Charter
Explain the stages of the Korean War
– NK invaded SK, UN pushed NK back, China enters conflict, ends even
Explain the philosophies of MLKjr. Vs. Malcolm X
– Nonviolent Direct Action vs. Militant separation
Aerial bombardment against North Vietnam was called
– Operation Rolling Thunder
Who was America’s first female cabinet member under FDR
– Frances Perkins
–Turning points of the war on eastern front, western front, and Pacific
– Stalingrad, Normandy, Midway
Alleged assassin of JFK and group that investigated his death
– Lee Harvey Oswald & Warren Commission
Explain the Civil Rights Act ’64 and Voting Rights Act of ’65
– Banned discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, & gender; eliminated disenfranchisement like literacy test and allowed federal examiners to register voters.
What made Vietnam an unpopular war with America
– Draft, television broadcast, images of Vietnam, belief South Vietnamese didn’t want us there, etc…
Name three aspects of Kennedy’s New Frontier
– Civil Rights, Space Race, Alliance for Progress, Peace Corps, etc…