Persuasive Techniques
Logical Fallacies
Figurative Language and Literary Elements

What is a logical fallacy?

statements used in attempt to support an argument but actually WEAKEN it


Which part of an argument is this?

Elderly drivers should have to reapply for their drivers license annually to assure the safety of themselves and others on the road.



What persuasive technique is being used?

If you don't eat healthy, you could get heart disease, diabetes, or even die.

Appeal to fear


Name the Fallacy
Tom is the villain in 'Tom and Jerry' because he's the bad guy. 

Circular Reasoning


What figurative language is being used?
Johnathan devoured his food like a starving pig. 



What is snob appeal and appeals to vanity?

sends the message that something is valuable because only “special” people appreciate it

uses flattery to win people over


Which parts of an argument is displayed in the first paragraph? 

Allowance should be given to children when they are responsible with their behavior and their actions at home.

The amount children receive for allowance may vary, but they should at least make five dollars to have a fair household.
According to a survey on American homes, "...most children earn at least $5 weekly for chores."

Claim or argument


Come visit Cancun. See the clear blue sky, the clear ocean, the warm and sunny sand, and the cool breezy wind.  

Loaded Language


What rhetorical fallacy is being used?

Either or fallacy


What poetic technique is being used?

Twinkle, twinkle, litter star.


What is vague language, irrelevant examples, and overgeneralizations?

statements that are unclear or not specific

examples that do not directly relate to the claim

a broad conclusion often using words like every, always, and never


Which parts of an argument are displayed in the second paragraph? 

Allowance should be given to children when they are responsible with their behavior and their actions at home.

The amount children receive for allowance may vary, but they should at least make five dollars to have a fair household. 
According to a survey on American homes, "...most children earn at least $5 weekly for chores."




What persuasive technique(s) is being used?

You're not telling me you still don't own a PS5 are you? Everybody's got one. What are you waiting for? Nintendo to make one? If you want to be on the cutting edge of graphics you gotta get a PS5. It's the best. 


Snob appeal


Everybody loves chocolate cake. You'd have to be stupid to think otherwise. 

Overgeneralization. Name-Calling

What imagery is being used in the following example?
The bright orange I held in my hand was small, smooth, and tangy. 

sight, touch, taste


What are hasty generalizations, false causes, and circular reasoning?

a conclusion that is drawn from too little evidence

an assumption that one event caused another because it occurred at an earlier time

reasons that say the same thing over and over again using different words


Which parts of an argument are displayed in this paragraph? 

Some might argue that allowance given to children would be wasted. However, children nowadays are often a bit more savvy with their spending habits. 


What persuasive technique is being used?

Someone as cool as yourself needs a cool car to match.
The new Model S Tesla has a top speed of 200 mph, a peak power of 1,020hp, and reaches 0-60 in only 1.99s.

Appeal to vanity

Logical appeals


How was your singing? It was sure something. There were words sung, you sang to music, and it was certainly one of the performances I sat through. 

Vague Language


What is the tone being described?
"My annoying brother drives me crazy. / There is no other who is that lazy. / He whines to Mom and Dad night and day / Until he eventually gets his way. / What is a sister to do / When he screams 'til he's blue?/ There is no way to win, / For he gets under your skin. / He does his best to kill all joy. / Oh, how my brother does annoy.  



What is a fact, persuasive technique, testimonial, and name calling?

Rival judgement. Opposing team as them to provide and example of your choice of ANY vocab word on the test.

influence people to have a certain belief or opinion or to act in a certain way

relies on the backing of a celebrity, an expert, or a satisfied customer

the attempt to discredit an idea by attacking the person or group behind it


Is there a logical fallacy in this paragraph? If so, what is it?

You walk through a heavily overgrown field on your way to a wooded area. The weeds and grasses are about a foot high.  The next day you develop an itchy skin rash on your face. You conclude that the rash developed because you cut through the heavily overgrown area. You will not go into the woods again.

Rival judgement. Opposing team as them to provide and example of your choice of argument term

Hasty generalization


What persuasive techniques are being used?

Dr. Tony Chopper agrees that milk has the benefit of strengthening bones and providing the body with calcium.
Satisfied customer, Brook has found his bones stronger after drinking milk.
Even the famous Gol D. Roger endorsed milk drinking as one of his most famous last actions. 

Rival judgement. Opposing team as them to provide and example of your choice of persuasive technique

All testimonial but different kinds

Expert opinion
Satisfied customer
Celebrity endorsement 


What logical fallacies are being used below?

Ryan loves video games, but he isn't in class today. He is likely at home playing video games. All students are always playing video games whenever they're suppose to be doing work. One time I even caught a student drawing Mickey D Goofy from some cartoon. 

Rival judgement. Opposing team as them to provide and example of your choice of logical fallacy

Hasty generalization

Over generalization

Irrelevant example


The lightning ran across the sky like an olympic champion. But for only a brief moment, the entire world illuminated in a bright flash. It was a camera flash from the heavens. 

Rival judgement. Opposing team as them to provide and example of your choice of figurative language/poetic technique

Simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification