This is the difference between reacting and acting.
What is to think
Three actions you should take during this critical stage in the change process to prepare you for the next phase
What is to relax, research and review
The three things you should do during this phase
What is to be positive, be involved and be open-minded
These people are peers who have been selected to help train and lead the company through the change.
What are Super Users
The _______ will ultimately drive the success of the change.
What is people
This is the first thing that happens when you are told a change is on the way.
What is to become aware
The three things to avoid during the awareness to understanding phase
What are making stuff up, information overload and anger
If you need help managing your stress you should seek out _________ or __________
What is your manager or a trusted leader
Aviall will be providing these four tools to help you perform your job during and after go-live
What are training classes, job aids, simulations and reference material
Change involves these three elements
What are people, processes and systems
The three things that can happen when you are out of your confort zone and only have high-level information.
What are rumors, confusion and withdrawal
To access accurate and timely information about the changes these four tools are used
What are department meetings, road shows, town hall meetings and change network
Instead of focusing on the differences and getting caught up in the change you need to focus on _______ and how to apply your knowledge going forward.
What is what is staying the same
(Blank) are the key to successful change.
What is you or yourself
This emotion is triggered by an error signal that is sent throughout your brain when your mind recognizes something new or unknown.
What is FEAR
These three things help yourself cope with the stress assosiated with other people's resistance to change as well as your own resistance to change.
What are know your triggers, acknowledge your stress and take time for yourself
A behavior that happens as people learn more about how they will be impacted by the change, and look for ways to delay or avoid it altogether
What is negotiation
Having this will make it easier to adjust to the changes and see the value to the company.
What is a good attitude or positive attitude
It is important that we take the time to _________ accomplishments and successes no matter how small.
What is celebrate
These people are any employees within the organisation who, regardless of their level or status, are interested in making change work.
What is a Change Leader
Often your first reaction when you are experiencing the loss of your current way of doing something.
What is shock and denial
As the change situation gets more intense the anger and stress that you feel during this time can have the same effect on the people around you. When engaged in a heated conversation it is sometimes very difficult but best to ___________
What is know when to walk away or walk away
Your manager may have ____________ with you to ensure you are ready once the change is implemented.
What is one-on-one meetings
This phase of the change can be more stressful than the actual go live.
What is test go live or mock go live
This famous philosopher is responsible for the following statement "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."