Who was the first commentator?
Don Isaac Avrabanhel
True or false: There were two chambers
What was the name of the wood used?
shittim wood
How many branches should the menorah have?
What is a Terumah?
A gift
Who was the second commentator?
Hillel Silverman
True or false: G-d was talking to the israelites through Moses
What was the wood covered with at the table
What examples did i use in my relevance
any of:
G-d wanted to make sure he had the finest things for when the Israelites would talk to him. Now the word synagogue is often translated as Beit haknesset beit meaning house. The sanctuary was like god's house so it was decorated with the best things like gold, because he is the best. Just like each of us has our own room, whether you share it with someone or it's your own it is still yours. Each person's room is like a museum of all of their favorite things. Whether you have medals, trophies, a wall with pictures, or one full of squishmallows, they represent something to you.
Who did g-d talk to
What does Avrabanhel say each detail of the instructions were for?
To teach an ethical lesson
True or false: the roof was made of 12 tapestries
False, it was 10
What color did G-d say the ram skin must be
What color was the Terumah tab
What was the first thing G-d told them to build?
The ark
What does it mean for the menorah to be made of pure gold?
to say that one must be careful of impure ideas, that true wisdom is always in harmony with the torah.
True or false: the walls were made of 40 boards
False it was 48
Name three things G-d asked for as a donation
Any of : gold, silver, and copper, of blue, purple and scarlet dyed wool, fine linen, goat hair, red ram skin, tachash skins, shittim wood, oil, spices, shoham stones, and finally gemstones.
What picture did i put for G-d on the slides
What covered the ark?
What is Tocho Kevero?
“The outside must match the inside.”
True or false: Avrabanhel suggested tocho kevaro
False, it was Silverman
According to Avrabhanel, What does it mean for the menorah to be made of pure gold?
to say that one must be careful of impure ideas, that true wisdom is always in harmony with the torah.
What is the next portion?
What is my drash
any of :
same as Abravanel and Silverman, G-d has always cared about the Israelites and jewish people. I believe he deems us sacred since he took us to Canaan. I also think that as god he wanted everything to be perfect for when he would talk to the israelites for the first time. If the place where they would speak to G-d looked and felt perfect, they could only imagine how amazing G-d was.