Teaching Speaking
Teaching Reading
Listening & Culture
Classroom Management & Assessment

How long should each section of a 50 minute lesson plan take?

(Warmer, 3 P’s, Cooler)

Warmer: 3-5 min

Presentation: 10-15 min

Practice: 10 - 15 min

Production: 15-20 min

Cooler: 3-5 min


What are one of the benefits of Teacher Talk Time? Extra 100 points if you can name 3.

1.Presenting, Checking, Modeling

2.Providing language input

3.Giving instructions/ setting up activities

4.Establishing rapport


What are the 3 while-reading strategies, in order.

1. Skimming
2. Scanning
3. Comprehension


What is the National dish of Korea?



Why is Assessment important?

Keeps record

Progress can be measured

The administration, parents and students can track progression


What are the 3 P's & give examples of activities you would do in each?



Name at least 3 characteristics of a successful speaking lesson.

Extra 100 Pts for naming all 5.

1.Learners talk a lot

2.Participation is even

3.Motivation is high

4.Language is appropriate

5.Teacher modeling and monitoring


What do inference and interpretation questions entail? Which 2 language skills do we use these in our lesson plans (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Grammar)

Asking students to go beyond evidence included on the text

Asking students to share their own opinions about what is happening

Reading & Listening


Name at least two ways to find out what your students are interested in.

•Introductory lessons (likes/don’t likes)

•Observe the types of things they bring to school

•Ask other English teachers


Explain the 3 types of assessment and when you would use them.

Initial – beginning, establish baseline

Formative – on going, feedback how well the students are doing

Summative – end, have students met the objectives



What are the key benefits of the 3 P's?

Uniform structure

Allows for substitute teacher to teach


Best practices approach


Name all 4 challenges that come with teaching speaking. Extra 100 points if you can give solutions for each challenge.


2.Nothing to say

3.Low or uneven participation

4.Speaking in the mother tongue


What are the benefits of reading?

•Good model

•Punctuation & tonality

•Grammatically correct English

•Ss can mirror sentence structure


What is the biggest difference between a reading lesson and a listening lesson in term of how the students receive the message? And what are the two similarities in these lessons / lesson plans.

Reading - the students produce

Listening - the students receive

Both have a prediction picture & Inference/Interpretation questions


What is classroom management? How will your strategies differ when teaching young learners vs. teenagers?

•Effective discipline

•Being prepared for class

•Motivating your students

•Providing a safe, comfortable learning environment

•Building your students’ self-esteem

•Being creative and imaginative in daily lessons


Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the DM and CA, give one each.

Direct Method


• Focus on accuracy

• Introduces words in context


• Doesn’t develop fluency

• Only introduces words in one context

Communicative Approach


• Allows students to experiment with the language

• Focuses on the communicative aspect of language



• Not as much emphasis on grammar


Name the grammar points you might cover with beginners, beginner-intermediate, and intermediate students.

Beginner – Tenses (Past, Present, Future)

B/I – Adj., adv., present perfect, present continuous tense

Int – Gerunds, Superlatives, Infinitives


What are the challenges of reading? And name one solution to one of the challenges

•Reading is something we do alone

•Tough for Ss to concentrate

•Difficult to keep Ss focused

•Have a wide spectrum of skills


What are at least 3 features of listening?

•A receptive versus  productive skill

•A problem solving activity

•Listener draws inferences

•A few understood items can create global understanding

•The discourse is often unplanned

•Only one opportunity to receive the message


What are the 4 reasons students misbehave and how do you deal with it? Extra 100 points if you can name under which section of the lesson plan these challenges and strategies will fall under.

Power: give students a task
Revenge: Avoid retaliation, help child 

Inadequacy: Encouragement
Attention: Don’t feed into it

Anticipated Problems & Solutions


Name at least 3 characteristics of the Communicative Approach and name at least 3 characteristics of the Direct Method. Extra 100 pts for naming all 12


1.Student Centric

2.Teacher as facilitator

3.Group & pair work

4.Ability to experiment with the language

5.Fluency over accuracy

6.Student can foster a personal connection


1.Student Centric

2.Teacher as facilitator

3.Group & pair work

4.Ability to experiment with the language

5.Fluency over accuracy

6.Student can foster a personal connection


How often should the teacher talk during the Presentation phase?

How often should the teacher talk during the Practice phase?

How often should the teacher talk during the Production phase?

Teacher does most of the modeling = Teacher 75%, Students 25%

Students do most of the talking = Teacher 40%, Students 60%

Students do most of the talking = Teacher 10%, Students 90%


What is the purpose of skimming? Give 2 example questions

What information is sought after with scanning questions? Give 2 example questions

What are comprehension questions? Give 2 example questions

1. To confirm the prediction and get an overall idea of the story

2. A particular piece of information like names, places, times and dates

3. Comprehension requires learners to understand the text – part of the question should not be found in the text.


What are the 3 while listening tasks? And what to each entail. Give one example of each.

Gist - Main idea or check prediction

Selective - Listen for certain words

Intensive - Listen for understanding, comprehension, or to form a bigger picture


What are 3 examples of proactive and 3 examples of reactive classroom management?


•Learn student names

•Make connections

•Establish rules

•Attainable goals

•Interesting lessons


•Call out student’s names

•Walk towards student

•Give student choice

•Stop talking & make eye contact