Short-term ER Skills
Long-term ER Skills
Basics of Emotions

Name the three "What" Skills

Observe, Describe, Participate


What is Opposite Action? 

Changing the way you feel by acting opposite to your current urge. 


What skill did Stephen Curry work on so he could feel proud of himself at the end?

Building Mastery


Name the 5 emotions from Inside Out

Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear


What two units have we learned so far?

Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation


Name the three "How" Skills

Nonjudgemental, One-Mindfully, Effectively (Do What Works)


Name one thing you can do to have a more balanced diet?

Answers will vary 


What are three things you can do to help get better sleep?

Consistent schedule, no screen time in bed, no caffeine, don't take long naps, don't eat or drink right before bed, keep room cool 


What are the TWO parts of the Emotion Regulation Unit? 

Knowing your emotions AND Dealing with them 


Name one rule for this class that we discussed earlier in the year

One mic, respecting others (being nonjudgmental, listening), raising hands, confidentiality


What are you ignoring when you are in Emotion Mind?

The rules, logic, facts


How do eating and sleep relate to our mood? 

Having not enough or too much of either can affect how we feel and make us vulnerable to emotion mind


What is the skill that includes building more pleasant experiences into your life now like riding your bike, playing a sport, or painting? 

Accumulating Positives/Enjoyable Activities 


How long do emotions typically last on their own?

90 seconds - 2 minutes


What does dialectics mean? 

When two things that seem opposite can be true at the same time


Penny is assigned a group project at school with classmates she doesn't know well. During class, the rest of her group is having fun, talking, and working together as she sits quietly watching them. 

How can Penny use the mindfulness skill of Participate to engage in the group project?

She can throw herself into the moment, let go of worries/concerns, use opposite action to engage, talk with her peers, etc. 


Joe starts to feel anxious as the teacher passes out the math test. He is thinking that he doesn't know anything and is going to fail. He notices that his heart is beating fast, his palms are sweaty, and his legs are shaking. 

Tell us how Joe can use the mindfulness skills of Observe and Describe to Ride the Wave of his emotions.  

He can observe/notice his physical sensations (heart beat, sweating, legs shaking), thoughts (I don't know anything/going to fail) and the feelings of anxiety/fear and describe them to himself nonjudgementally to not feed the emotions 


Give an example of how you can build mastery at school.

Anything to do with challenging yourself while learning or socializing (ex. doing harder math problems, reading a more challenging book, participating in class discussions, making new friends)


How do emotions communicate how we’re feeling to others?

Through facial and body expressions, tone of voice, our behaviors (ex isolating, jumping up and down)


Name a dialectic you feel about New York City - be specific 


Makes me happy/sad





Jessie went to the movies with her friends and was instructed by her mom to come home immediately after the movie was over. After the movie, Jessie’s friends wanted to grab food and Jessie wanted to keep having fun. 

Name an emotion mind decision.

Name a wise mind decision (include what she would tell herself)

Stay out with her friends because she’s excited and isn’t thinking about the rules

She would go home even though she felt excited and wanted to stay out. She knew that she would get in trouble and lose other privileges if she ignored the rules 


Jeremy is at his classmate's birthday party but is standing in the corner alone because he is afraid that no one likes him.

Name the emotion Jeremy is experiencing. 

Name an opposite action Jeremy can do


Stand up straight and walk over to someone and start talking to them (make a joke, ask a question, make eye contact, etc)


How do mindfulness skills tie into Accumulating Positives/Enjoyable Activities. 

Need to be mindful of positive experiences as they happen so you can feel the positive emotions (happy, joy, relaxed, content) and need to be unmindful of worries (undeserving of fun, when is the activity going to end, more will be expected of me)


Name two facts about emotions that we discussed when completing the worksheet where you circled emotions from the box 

They don’t last forever, we have different emotions throughout the day and week, everyone experiences different emotions, emotions change 


What is the goal for this class?

To help you better understand your emotions and actions and learn skills to cope with these difficult emotions and life stressors, so you can live your best life.