What does the C stand for in TPCASTT
What is the purpose of TPCASTT
A process to help you organize your analysis of poetry.
After the war, they had to _______ a new government.
What does the 3rd T in TPCASTT stand for.
An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
How awkward when playing with glue
To suddenly find out that you
Have stuck nice and tight
Your left hand to your right
In a permanent how-do-you-do!
For the land run, they decided to _____ the available farmland among the settlers.
What does the S in TPCASTT stand for.
After several talks, they were finally able to ______ in her the importance of school.
What was Coach Callins college mascot?
A long and narrative poem that normally tells a story about a hero or an adventure. This can be oral stories or can be poems in written form.
Promises— a book by Katherine Lawrence, chapter 8, page 159.
"It's okay," said Sophie, patting Liz's back. "We're going to figure this out together. Want a piece of my cookie?"
Initial Sentence
On page 159, Lawrence shows that Sophie is trying to be a good sister to Liz when she says, "Want a piece of my cookie?" and gives her a hug.
Fleet feet sweep down streets
I've got the children to tend
The clothes to mend
The floor to mop
The food to shop
Then the chicken to fry
The baby to dry
I got company to feed
The garden to weed
And sings a solitary song
Dancing with Demons— a book by Yelena Garcia, chapter 3, page 54.
"I'm sorry!" cried Saylor. "I didn't mean to touch the magical flowers! How can I fix it?"
Initial Sentence
Saylor is horrified when he realizes he has contaminated the magical ecosystem, crying, "How can I fix it?"
(Garcia 54).
What was Coach Winans' college mascot?
Snow melting
Air warming
Trees coming to life
Flowers budding
Birds singing
Baseball season starting
Everything turning green
My favorite time of year
The reason was summed up in a phrase that was so ________, that one wonders whether he wrote it himself.
A poem that tells a story, which are often used in songs because of their rhyme. This is a poetic story, often a love story.
O my love is like a red red rose
As all the Heavens were a Bell,
And Being, but an Ear,
And I, and Silence, some strange Race,
Wrecked, solitary, here
A lyric poem, usually addressing a particular person or thing. It originated in Ancient Greece. This uses similes, metaphors and sometimes a technique called hyperbole.
2. Stretching for Dummies— a book by LaReine Chabut, chapter 1, page 9.
If this book has one mission, it's to demonstrate that stretching is easy and simple, or in other words, stretching is your friend.
Initial Sentence
Chabut asserts that his book’s “one mission” is to convince the reader to stretch.
He walked with a slight limp and his _____ frame was gangly.