Stars and Galaxies
Planets of the Solar System
The Universe
Space Phenomena
Space Exploration

This is the phase where stars spend most of their lives, burning hydrogen into helium.

What is the main sequence?


This planet is known for its prominent rings made of ice and rock.

What is Saturn


Idea that explains the origin of the Universe, stating that it began from a single point and expanded.

What is the Big Bang Theory?


The force that pulls objects toward one another and keeps planets in orbit around stars.

What is Gravity?


This tool is used by astronomers to observe distant stars, planets, and galaxies by collecting light.

What is a telescope?


This is the name of the galaxy that contains our Solar System.

What is the Milky Way?


The fourth planet from the Sun, often called the Red Planet.

What is Mars?


This is the distance light travels in one year, often used to measure distances between stars.

What is a Light Year?


This is the name given to a streak of light in the sky when a sand grain explodes in the sky.  Commonly called a shooting star. 

What is a Meteor?


This man-made satellite has been orbiting Earth since 1990 and provides detailed images of distant objects in space.

What is the Hubble Space Telescope?


A region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape.

What is a Black Hole?


This planet is the farthest from the Sun in our Solar System.

What is Neptune?


This event is believed to have brought water and organic compounds to Earth through comet and asteroid impacts.

What is the Late Heavy Bombardment?


These small, icy bodies develop tails when they approach the Sun due to the heat.

What are Comets?


This space probe, launched in 1977, is the farthest human-made object from Earth and is exploring interstellar space.

What is Voyager 1?


This term describes a massive star that explodes at the end of its life, releasing tremendous energy.

What is a supernova?


This dwarf planet was once considered the ninth planet of the Solar System.

What is Pluto?


The faint radiation left over from the Big Bang, providing evidence for the Universe's expansion.

What is Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation?


The massive explosion that marks the death of a massive star, often creating a neutron star or black hole.

What is a Supernova?


This space telescope, launched in 2021, is designed to observe the most distant objects in the Universe and provide insights into the formation of stars and galaxies.

What is the Webb Space Telescope?


The most common element found in stars and the universe.

What is Hydrogen?


This planet has the strongest magnetic field and the fastest rotation in the Solar System.

What is Jupiter?


This shape describes the structure of our galaxy, the Milky Way

What is a Spiral Galaxy?


This phenomenon occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, blocking sunlight.

What is a Solar Eclipse?


This widely accepted theory suggests that the Moon formed after a Mars-sized object collided with the young Earth, sending debris into orbit that eventually coalesced to form the Moon.

What is the Giant Impact Hypothesis?