Ch. 1- Intro to science of life
Ch. 2- Chemical foundation of life
Ch. 3- biological macromolecules
Random- either topic
Random- animals

Name 2 of the 7 things that all life have in common. 

order, cells, growth and development, energy utilization, response to the environment, reproduction, evolution 


What are elements

Unique forms of matter that have specific chemical and physical properties 


What are the four macromolecules

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids 


What is an example of an ecosystem

Desert, rainforest, etc. 


What is the largest animal on earth

the blue whale 


Name all the steps of the scientific method in the correct order 

observation, hypothesis, experimentation, analysis/conclusion 


What are the four most common elements of living organisms

Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen 


What are the monomers of each macromolecule

Carbohydrates= monosaccharides

Lipids= glycerol and fatty acids

Proteins= amino acids 

Nucleic acids= nucleotides


What does the atomic number tell us

the number of protons and electrons 


What species of large bird did the Australian minister of defense loose a war to



What is the independent variable of an experiment

what you are testing; inputs or causes


What is the difference between a covalent bond and an ionic bond 

A covalent bond is when electrons are shared and an ionic bond is when atoms give up or gain electrons 


What is the tertiary structure of a protein

it is the unique 3-D structure of a polypeptide due to chemical interactions between R-groups on amino acids 


True or false: all chemical reactions are irreversible 

false, they can be reversible or irreversible 


How many hearts do octopuses have



Explain pseudoscience and include an example. 

Pseudoscience is something that is falsely represented as having a scientific basis and often based on anecdotal evidence from a single or few examples. An example is fortune telling, phreneology, astrology. 


Name and Explain two different properties of water 

heat capacity: specific heat capacity refers to the amount of heat one gram of a substance must absorb to raise its temperature one degree Celsius 

heat of vaporization: amount of energy required to change one gram of a liquid substance to gas 

water is a universal solvent

cohesion: water molecules at the liquid-gas interface stick together due to hydrogen bonding

surface tension: the capacity of a substance to withstand being ruptured when placed under tension or stress

adhesion: attraction between water molecules and other molecules 


What are three types of RNA and their roles 

Messenger RNA (mRNA)= intermediary nucleic acid that leaves the nucleus and contains blueprint for protein synthesis

Transfer RNA (tRNA)= serves as a bridge between nucleotides and amino acids 

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)= assists in protein synthesis 


What is denaturation 

changes in protein structure that leads to changes in function 


What large mammal was taught to waterski in the 1960s

An elephant 


Explain the difference between a single blind study and a double blind study 

A single blind study is when the experimental subject doesn't know if they are part of the control group or the experimental group and a double blind study is when neither the subject nor the person conducting the study knows what group the subject is in. 

Draw the Bohr model of Potassium (K) with an atomic number of 19 and Neon (Ne) with an atomic number of 10. 

I will write on white board 


What is the difference between a saturated fatty acid and an unsaturated fatty acid

A saturated fatty acid contains no carbon-carbon double bonds in the carbon-backbone. An unsaturated fatty acid contains at least one carbon-carbon double bond in the carbon chain backbone


What are functional groups

groups of atoms within a molecule that confer consistent specific properties to these molecules. Functional groups often interact with other functional groups via hydrogen bonds


What is a tardigrade (water bear) related to 

They are related to arthropods (insects, spiders, and crustaceans)