Important Details
Word Meanings
Text Evidence

If I were answering the question: "Do you think Mary will go to college?", which is an important detail? A. Mary has always wanted to be a doctor, and she knows she needs a lot of education to become one. B. Mary has 4 brothers and 1 sister. C. Mary loves animals a lot, and she has 3 dogs.

A. Mary has always wanted to be a doctor, and she knows she needs a lot of education to become one.


Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning! In the above context, what does “rash” mean? A. an itchy skin condition B. funny C. trying to hide or disguise something D. with little thought or consideration

D. with little thought or consideration


Sally arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5. Sally also sees that the lights are off in their house. What can Sally infer?

Her mother is not home. 


Bob went to see a football game with his dad. They had been looking forward to this game for months. Their favorite team was playing. There team ended up losing. Bob was so upset. Based on the text, WHY was Bob upset?

His team lost.


What do we call a word or phrase that is used outside of it's normal, literal meaning? 

Figurative language 


If I were answering the question: "Why does the author not like war?", which is an important detail? A. The author shares that he enjoys running. B. The author shares that he had a brother who went to war and was killed. C. The author shares that he wanted to join the military when he was young.

B. The author shares that he had a brother who went to war and was killed.


Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research. What does “esteemed” mean? A. held over boiling water B. very old C. unacceptable D. greatly admired

D. greatly admired


Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. Where do you think she is?



The girl walked down the street with her head hanging down. She had just lost her first soccer game. What detail from the text can tell you how the girl was feeling?

Her head is hanging.


"BAM! The car crashing into the pole sounded like thunder." This sentence contains what two types of figurative language? 

Onomatopoeia, simile 


If I were answering the question: "Why does Mark want to visit Mexico?", which is an important detail? A. Mark is a sophomore in high school. B. Mark studied Mexico in school last month. C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico and wishes he could see for himself.

C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico and wishes he could see for himself.


Most of America's Founding Fathers did not believe in women's suffrage. Only men could vote in the United states until 1920. What is “suffrage” ? A. something that causes physical pain B. an early flag C. skirts that did not cover ankles D. the right to vote

D. the right to vote 


"William, don't forget your towel!" Mom shouted as she applied sunblock on the baby. William threw the folding chairs in the back of the minivan and shouted through the garage door, "OK Mom!" He then ran up and grabbed his towel. Where are William and his mom going?

beach, pool 


John was a Nascar driver, and he had just one his first race. He climbed out of the window of his car and threw his fist up into the air. John was so overjoyed he began to grin from ear to ear. He would never forget the moment he won his very first race. What detail from the text tells you how John feels?

he grinned, threw his fist up, never forget the moment


What do we call important information that tells the overall idea or what the text is about? 

Main idea


If I were answering the question: "Is Kayla a good student?", which of the following would be an important detail: A. Kayla is 13 years old. B. Kayla goes to a Catholic school. C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.


Using IQ tests and MRI brain scans, researchers have found that the measurable intelligence of teenagers can rise and fall over time. We used to believe that intelligence was static. But now, because of new studies, we know that teens and even fully mature adults can grow more brain cells when needed.

What does “static” mean in the above selection? A. noise B. not changing C. moldy D. unreal

B. not changing 


Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What do you think is happening? How do you know?

He is getting pulled over, flashing lights


Kate stared at the giant parking lot. She couldn't remember where she parked her car. This happened every time she went to the mall. "Where could it be?" she said, "I thought it would be right here." She sat down on the ground and began to frown. What detail from the text tells you how she feels?

She sat down on the ground and began to frown. 


"My hands were ice as we walked through the -100 degree winter weather." This sentence contains which three types of figurative language? 

Metaphor, hyperbole, alliteration 


If I were answering the question: "How should a new student act on the first day of school at DHS?", which is an important detail? A. DHS is in the Atlanta metro area. B. Kids at DHS appreciate a person who is kind and friendly. C. You should have all of your information (phone number, address, etc.) ready when you come to register at DHS.

B. Kids at DHS appreciate a person who is kind and friendly.


No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every portable device is being made with an Internet connection. Most new TVs and many other appliances come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly ubiquitous.  If something is ubiquitous, __________. A. it is irritating B. it is everywhere C. it costs too much money D. it causes accidents

B. it is everywhere


Joey put his hands on his ears as he tried to finish his math test. The girl sitting next to him kept tapping her pencil on the table. How does he feel?

annoyed, irritated


My hands felt shaky and I took a deep breath. I knew I had to give a speech in front of the whole school. What detail from the text tells you how I feel?

shaky hands 


What do we call the underlying message (what the author is trying to convey) of a text? 
