St Faustina
St Theresa
St Francis Xavier Cabrin
St Acutis
Padre Pio

1.what are    major parts of Holy mass?

2. What is the sacrament of Eucharist?

1.The liturgy of the word and The liturgy of Eucharist

2.The sacrament of Eucharist  is where bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the instrumentality of the priest.


How many  year circles do we have on Sunday's where the readings come from? 

And what are they?

which gospels are taken on each year?

There are three.

year A

year B and  year C

A- Mathew




What can one do during Eucharistic adoration?

1.Quiet prayer, sharing personal concerns, joys, and hopes with Jesus.

2.Reading Scripture or other spiritual writings for encouragement and guidance.

3.Reflecting on life choices and asking for God’s direction.

4.Sitting silently to listen and simply feel God’s presence.

5.Giving thanks for blessings and seeking strength for life’s challenges.

6.You can decide to examine your conscience before the Eucharistic lord in adoration.

7. One can Pray the rosary.

8. Pray the divine mercy Chaplet

9.One can write in a personal  journal.


Define real presence

The doctrine that Jesus is truly present in His body and blood in the eucharist under the form of bread and wine.


what is Transubstantiation?

This is What happens at the consecration of the bread and wine at Mass when their entire substance is turned into the entire substance of the Body and Blood of Christ,


what is the difference in definition between doxology and great Amen? 

Doxology is a prayer of praise to the blessed trinity ending in the Eucharistic prayer while great amen is  The affirmation by the faithful of the entire Eucharistic Prayer.


what is Eucharistic adoration? (very important)

This means Exposing a consecrated host, the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance, allowing people to sit and pray in the presence of Jesus.


what is the 

(i) matter

(ii) form

(iii) Recipient

(iv) minister

of the holy Eucharist?

 kindly check in your notes.


what is the difference between  an introit and Confiteor?

 An introit  is an antiphon, usually from a psalm, that is sung when the priest enters the church and approaches the altar while Confiteor is the I confess prayer used during the penitential rite  at the beginning of mass.


Differentiate between Epiclesis and Consecration prayers under the liturgy of the Eucharist?

Epiclesis is a prayer that Petitions God to send down the Holy Spirit transform bread and wine into the body and blood while Consecration are the real words of Jesus on the last supper” Take all of you and eat this is my body and Take all of you this is my blood" which transforms the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus. 


what is the The high point of the Liturgy of the Eucharist?

The Eucharistic prayer


Give the difference in the definitions between the words of institution and Fraction rite.

Words of Institution the words said by Jesus over the bread and wine at the Last Supper. The priest repeats these words over the bread and wine at Mass as they are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ WHERE AS Fraction Rite is time during the Communion Rite when the priest breaks the Body of Christ. He puts a piece of the consecrated bread into the chalice containing the Blood of Christ to signify the unity of the Body and Blood of Christ.


1.St. Teresa of Calcutta said that her role was to “be Jesus” for the dying, hungry, or abandoned. How can the Eucharist help us to “be Jesus” for others?

2. Jesus is called the breaking of the bread and has continually broken bread (which is his body) in all sorts of people by serving them.

How can we too break our selves to serve others?

come up with answers


Name four names of the Eucharist


2.Breaking of bread:



5.Lord's supper

6.Holy mass

7.Real presence


What is holy mass? (Very important)

Holy mass is a Catholic liturgical service that commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and is considered the "source and summit of the Christian life.Jesus Himself is the real presider at the Eucharist/holy mass.


what is the differences between Last Rites and Viaticum

 Last Rites: This is a broader term that refers to the sacraments and prayers administered to a person who is near death. It often includes three main parts:

Confession ,anointing of the sick and Viaticum while 

Viaticum which is the final reception of Holy Communion before death.



  1. Blessing ourselves with holy water,a reminder of our own baptism.

  1. Genuflect,a sign of greeting  our lord present in the blessed sacrament. 

  2. Spending a few minutes in prayer to prepare ourselves for the sacred mysteries.

  3. Listen, respond, acclaim, sing,or keep opportune silence in order to facilitate union with God.

  4. Fast from food at least an hour before mass.

  5. To receive the Holy communion we have to be in the state  of Grace.

  1.  Make sure to reach at mass before it starts.

  2. Actively participate at mass. Stand ,sit and kneel and be serene.

  3. Dress properly as for an important meeting with Jesus at mass.


What are the changes Vatican council II brought in the way we celebrate Liturgy/mass?

1. Masses to be celebrated in varnaculars/local languages.

2Laity taking on roles like being lectors and Eucharistic ministers.

3.Receiving Jesus standing either on the tongue or in hand.

4.The Celebrant to face the people and the alter in the middle.

5.To have female altar servers


what are the fruits of regular reception of the Eucharist?

1.Stabilizes and increases the intimate union with Christ

2.reinforces the unity of the church as the Mystical Body of Christ.

3.Forgives venial sins.

4 .Strengthens us to avoid grave sins.

5.diminishes sinful love of self while committing us to the poor.

6.Strengthens against temptation.

7.decreases purgatorial debt.

8.Reduces Concupiscence.


What are the parts under liturgy of the Eucharist?

(i) presentation of the gifts and preparing of the alter.

(ii).prayer over the offering

(iii)Eucharistic prayer

a.preface b.holy holy c.consecration acclamation e. doxology

(iv) communion rite

 a.The lord's prayer b.Rite of peace c. lamb of God(fraction rite) d. communion e.prayer after communion


What are the parts of mass under introductory rites?

1. Entrance (intoit is sung some times)


3.Penitential rite

4.Kyrie (lord ,have mercy)


5. Collect


Why do we go for mass

  • We go for mass especially on sunday and the holy days of obligation because it is our lord’s commandment. 3rd commandment.
  • Among the precepts of the church we are obliged to receive holy communion.

  • Because we need Jesus in our lives.

  • It helps me live a good Christian life.

  • I want to keep my baptism vows.

  • I want God and want to please Him.

  • Jesus asked me to do this to remember Him.

  • I want to be a be a good example to others

  • I want to go to Heaven

  • I want to take Christ to others.


What are the graces of holy communion

1. unity with Christ

2. separation from sin

3. Becoming united with others


What are the requirement for one to receive communion?

1.Be a baptized catholic

2.Have attained the age of reason (usually seven years)

3.Have received first Reconciliation prior to first reception of the Eucharist.

4. Fast from all foods and drinks except for water or medicine for one hour prior to reception.This reminds us that we are receiving Christ but not ordinary food.

5.Make a sacramental confession,if a mortal sin has been committed.


Name four parts under liturgy of the word

  • First reading

  • Responsorial psalm

  • Second reading

  • Gospel acclamation

  • Gospel

  • Homily

  • Nicene creed/baptismal promise

  • General intercessions