Historical Figures of Psychology
Different perspectives of Psychology
Research of Psych
Different types of research

This historical figure in psychology helped pave the pathway for psychology as a whole and is known for areas such as psychoanalytic theory

Sigmund Freud


What do humanistic psychologists believe in

Everyone has their own unique potential that they are constantly trying to reach


In an experiment Dr. Morgan is interested to see how different shades of light affects test scores. In this example, the independent variable would be....

The different shades of light 


One drawback of a correlational design is that...

Cannot determine a causal relationship, on that a relationship either exists or does not


Name two of the main areas that one could get a psychology degree for

Clinical psychology, industrial organizational psychology, school psychology, counseling psychology, health psychology, experimental psychology, 


This historical figure believed that free will is an illusion

B.F. Skinner


This form of psychology attempts to use both theory and research as it attempts to better explain creative, adaptive, and fulfilling aspects of psychology

Positive psychology


In a study, the social desirability bias occurs when...

participants give socially acceptable answers to questions, so not be seen in a negative "light"


Sigmund Freud used to pay very close attention to one patient and draw conclusions based off of them, some things he would do include interviews, psychological testing, and direct observation. What type of research is this?

A case study design


Dr. Murray is looking to see if his new medication has a real effect, so he gives one group the medication and the other a sugar pill. Some participants in the sugar pill group felt better in the post treatment ratings. What kind of phenomenon have the participants experienced?

The placebo effect


This famous psychologist helped develop the hierarchy of needs.

Abraham Maslow


If one were to believe that our minds have adapted to have higher thought processes, such as the outer brain developing through natural selection, what perspective would they believe in?

Evolutionary psychology 


Dr. Bautista finds that the more light that one is exposed to the lower the test scores that are achieved. What kind of correlation has been discovered?

Negative correlation


Dr. Kale is looking to draw a cause and effect relationship between two variables, which kind of research model should he apply?

Experimental research design  


The ability to break down problems, working with probabilities, and formulating inferences is known as what?

Critical thinking


This humanistic psychologist was key in the development of person-centered therapy, unconditional positive regard, and self-actualization

Carl Rogers


If one was to think that psychological process are derived from the observable actions one takes they would believe in what branch of psychology?



When the results of a study are skewed by another variable that effects the dependent variable, what is that other variable called?

Extraneous variable 


In this form of research, the researcher will not directly interfere with the subjects, but rather observe them

Naturalistic observation


What is sampling bias?

When a researcher selects a population that does not represent the population in which it was drawn.


This famous psychologist made stages of development for children including sensorimotor, preoperational, operational, and Formal operational

Jean Piaget


If a psychiatrist believed that actions an individual was taking was motivated by the unconscious, the perspective of psychology they would take is....



Dr. Johnson is concerned that him knowing which medication he is delivering in treatment might affect how he gives it skewing the results. He is also concerned that results could be skewed by the patients knowing what they are receiving. What should he do to combat this problem?

Use a double blind procedure so neither the patients nor him know which treatment participants are recieving.


Dr. Horner is designing an experiment in which he will be forcing his students into participating in his research, which guideline does that break?

Voluntary participation


What was Sigmund Freud's daughters name

Anna Freud