Lab Safety
Scientists in Real Life
Scientific Method
Variables in an Experiment
Observations and Inferences
What is the process of trying to understand the natural world?
What is Science
This is collected during experiments through numeric measurements and observations.
What is Data

Solving problems using step-by-step procedures is called the _______________ _______________.

What is scientific method


What are variables?

What is parts in experiments that are likely to change. 


Using your senses to gather information is called

What is Observation.


What tool is used to protect our eyes from harm during experiments? 

What is goggles.


What are some skills that scientists need?

What is:

creativity, curiosity, being open minded, hard working, objective, patient, observant.... etc


A standard variable that stays constant used for comparison is the _____________.

What is a controlled variable.


What is the variable in an experiment that is changed on purpose by the scientist?

What is the independent variable.


Which of the following is an inference?

a. The teacher is yawning.

b. The girl is happy.

c. The boy is crying.

d. The dog's tail is wagging. 

What is 

b. The girl is happy. 


Why is it important to point test tubes and containers away from yourself and other people?

What is 

to keep things from splashing on you or others.


Why should science be replicable? 

What is...

when scientists replicate other scientists work, it validates their results. It also allows us to see patterns and if they were right. 


What must happen in order to form an educated hypothesis?

What is researching the question and gaining background knowledge. 


What is the variable that is measured by the scientist in an experiment?

What is the dependent variable.


What is important to remember about an observation?

a. You have to use all five senses.

b.  It needs to be objective.

c. Inferences can be formed before an observation. 

d. You can't make an observation w/out background knowledge. 

What is 

a. You have to use all five senses. 


When should you listen to your teacher and follow lab directions?

What is 



What is the difference between a Scientific Law and a Scientific Theory? 

Scientific Laws describe WHAT will happen in nature.

Scientific Theory explains WHY something happens. 


What do conclusions from an experiment include?

Conclusions use data from the experiment to support of refute the hypothesis. 


What is the independent variable in the following testable question?

Does being tardy impact student test scores?

What is 


Which of the following is a qualitative observation? 

a. The dog is shivering so it must be cold.

b. The shell is smooth and has a zigzag pattern. 

c. The slug has four toes.

d. I'm going to fail the test because I did not study.

What is

b. The shell is smooth and has a zigzag pattern. 


What is the difference between a fire extinguisher and a fire blanket? 

A fire extinguisher is used to put out fires through a spray of foam, powder, or liquid. 

A fire blanket will smother small fires when laid over it. 


How do Scientists discover new information?

Through Investigations: systematic observations, models, engineering process, and performing controlled experiments. 


How do scientists analyze data from their experiments?

Scientist can put the data into charts, diagrams, or graphs and then compare and contrast results. 

*Data should be true to what happened in the experiment. They can't make things up to go with their hypothesis. 

What is the median? : 3, 9, 7, 8, 1
What is 7

Which of the following is a quantitative observation?

a. The slug has four toes.

b. The element titanium has an atomic mass of 48.

c. Both a and b 

d. I'm going to fail the test bc I did not study. 

What is 

c. both a and b