Important Documents
Assimilation Policies
Names to Know
Indigenous Culture

What does The Indian Act (1876) outline?

All of the laws and regulations our federal government follows in relationships with Status Indians.


Why do we have Orange Shirt/ Truth and Reconciliation Day today?

Because an Indigenous student, Phyllis Webstad, had her orange shirt taken from her when she arrived at school, we now have a day to remember and learn about Indigenous history and the crimes committed against them.


What was George Washington's nickname from the Iroquois during the American Revolution?

"Town Destroyer" due to the raids he and his generals carried out against Indigenous communities


When and how did Indigenous peoples first arrive in North America?

About 40 000 years ago over a land bridge connecting Europe to Alaska


What three blanket terms are used to talk about First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples?

Indigenous, Aboriginal, Native


What did the Treaty of Paris (1763) and Treaty of Paris (1783) do?

1763- ended the Seven Year's War, gave Britain control of North America instead of France

1783- Ended the American Revolution, let Britain walk back on Royal Proclamation promises and established American/Canadian border


What has been the largest cause of loss of Indigenous culture here in Canada? How?

Residential schools, because they banned 7 generations (150 000 students) from practicing their culture


Who founded the settlement of New France in 1603 and became involved in Indigenous disputes so France could have more influence in the fur trade than the Thirteen Colonies?

Samuel de Champlain

In most Indigenous communities, what kind of government did they have?

Matriarchy- women made the decisions

For whom is the term Eskimo still appropriate to use today?

It includes both the Inupiat and Yupik peoples of Alaska


What is the name of the Act that created the country of Canada and what year was it passed?

The BNA/ Constitution Act of 1867


What were two reasons that the BNA and then Canadian government began to work more towards assimilation than respecting Indigenous cultures and recognizing them as independent nations?

No more threat from America, the loss and then end of the fur trade, the loss of population that would resist, etc.


What four countries had claims on North American land during the Seven Year's War?

Britain/United Kingdom, France, Spain, and Russia


What usually determined whether a First Nations community had a permanent vs. nomadic lifestyle?

Their food source: if it was something like buffalo they would follow it. If it was fish or mainly agriculture then they would remain settled


When is it permitted to call an Indigenous person an Indian here in Canada?

When referring to the 45% of Indigenous who have their Status as an Indian in legal documents and to the GoC


What were the treaties and how have they led to many parts of Canada being called Unceded and Stolen Land?

Treaties were agreements made between Indigenous and settler communities that allowed them to share the land, but they were dishonoured by the settlers and now we recognize a lot of Canadian land is in fact not legally ours.


What was a typical week at a residential school like?

Wake for chapel at 6, an hour of chores, breakfast, hour of chores, three hours of lessons, lunch, an afternoon of work, supper, recreation, bed. Sundays had more religious services.


Who were the leaders of the BNA and Indigenous forces during the War of 1812?

Tecumseh and Major Gen. Isaac Brock


What is one thing that Indigenous people gave the Europeans in The Columbian Exchange, and what was the main result of the Exchange on Indigenous communities?

The Indigenous peoples had things like corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peanuts, pumpkins, pineapples, squash, chili peppers, tobacco.

Only 5-20% of the Indigenous population survived the diseases brought over.


Define both band and tribe.

Band: an Indigenous community

Tribe: two or more bands that are joined by a similarity of some sort


How did the Treaty of Ghent (1814) end up resulting in the exact opposite of what the Indigenous peoples had hoped?

They had sided with the British in the War of 1812 to maintain Royal Proclamation rights and promises- but instead they lost rights, land, and the Americans expanded.


What were the aims of The Gradual Civilization Act and what year was it passed?

Made so that Indigenous peoples would give up their treaty rights and status in return for becoming private BNA citizens (disenfranchisement)- passed in 1857.


Who was Pontiac and what was he famous for?

A First Nations warrior who led Pontiac's Resistance during the Seven Year's War, which led to the Royal Proclamation


What are three of the "Ghosts of History" against Indigenous peoples in Canada's history that have led to conditions today?

Dishonoured Treaties, Theft of Aboriginal Lands, Suppression of Aboriginal Cultures, Abduction of Aboriginal Children, and the Impoverishment and Disempowerment of Aboriginal Peoples


Name a First Nations band

Cree, Ojibway, Chipewyan, Dakota, Sioux Valley, etc.