Parts of Speech
Details & Examples
These are the three parts of speech studied in class.
What are noun, verb, and adjective?
My mom always worries about my grades and the colleges that I’ll be able to attend, but if she were a little less fretful she’d be a lot more fun. What does fretful mean?
The smell of garlic is never subtle. It's always noticeable.
What is hidden; not obvious?
I own a pair of old _____ cut up jeans that I still like to wear up to this day. a. novice b. frazzled c. crankiness d. lull
What is b. frazzled?
My absent-minded teacher always loses his keys, pens, and even our graded papers! What does absent-minded mean?
careless; not paying attention
These are the two types of nouns and their definitions.
What is a common noun: a general thing; what is a proper noun: something with a specific name that's capitalized?
I abhord traffic jams and hate it when my ride to work is delayed. What does abhord mean?
hate; strong dislike
The boxes weren't exactly heavy, just cumbersome, unlike the easy to carry bags with handles. What does cumbersome mean?
difficult to handle
When I went to my friend's uncle's funeral, there was a guy playing the _______ because he was in the military.
What is taps?
This virus has really depleted my energy. I get tired just walking across the room. What does depleted mean?
taken away; decreased; lessen in power
I can't believe it! Right in the middle of our conversation, Joe turned around abruptly, and walked out of the room! These are at least three of the nouns in the sentence above.
What are I, conversation, it, I, room, Joe, middle?
Planted in late fall, growth of the bulbs is stimulated, or encouraged. What does stimulated mean?
encouraged; spurred into action
If you water them regularly, you will have an adundant amount of daffodils in the spring. If you do not water them, only a few will grow. What does abundant mean?
many; large amount or quantity
My newphew's _____ was getting to be of out of control because he wanted his way. a. frazzled b. concept c. crankiness d. mischievousness
What is mischievousness (d)?
The lovely egret is in danger of extinction because clothing manufacturers use its long, beautiful tail feathers to make hats. What is an egret
a type of bird
The tiger's growl could be heard in villages far away. The verb "could" is this type of verb. a. action b. helping c. linking
What is b. helping?
Many people now feel that typewriters are archaic, or old-fashioned. What does archaic mean?
old-fashioned; out-of-date
Rather than repress your feelings, you should let them out. Doing so will reudce your stress. What does repress mean?
to hold in; to hold back
My parents came up with a ____ to take the family on a camping trip. a. concept b. lull c. taps
What is a concept?
JFK was a very charismatic president. People were attracted to his charm, enthusiasm, and magnetic personality. What does charismatic mean?
charming; influential
Penguins' wings which are short and thick are not designed for flight. These are the adjectives in this sentence.
What are short and thick?
The thought of eating a rat is abhorrent, or horrible, to most people. What does abhorrent mean?
Loud noise and poor lighting are not conducive to learning? What does conducive mean?
to be favorable or good for; to cause or bring about
This is the antonym for frazzled.
What is novice?
The crowd was boisterous. They screamed, cheered, and yelled for their favorite team. What does boisterous mean?
noisy; rowdy