2.1 Deductions from Gross Pay
2.2 Federal Income Tax
2.4 Job Benefits
Careers/Applying for Jobs

What is the Social Security tax and Medicare tax for the weekly wage of $180.04?

Social Security = $11.16

Medicare = $2.61


Ryan makes $24,534 a year and files as single. How much federal income tax will he pay?



A job offers you $49,750 with these estimated benefits: Pension of $3,980; free parking $450; paid vacation $1,080; paid holiday $1,560; health insurance $2,100; tools $400. The job expenses are $2,624. Find the net job benefits. 



Lance wants to attend LCSC for 4 years. After filling out the FAFSA, he found he will receive $1,250 in scholarships each semester and $1,500 in grants each semester. Find the net cost of attendance. 



When picking up an application, you should dress appropriately because first ___________________________________________.

"impressions matter/are important"


Using the withholding sheet, find the withholding tax for a sinlge person that makes $403.88 a week and has 9 withholdings.



Lisa makes $914 dollars a week and wants to estimate how much federal income tax she will pay in one year, she files as single. How much will she pay?



Juan earns a gross pay f $44,500. His employee benefits are 18% of his gross pay. What are his total job benefits? 



Alexis wants to attend Idaho State University for 4 years. After filling out the FAFSA, she found she will receive $740 in scholarships each semester and $3,042 in grants each semester. Find the net cost of attendance.



When you pick up or drop off an application, be prepared for an ___________________.



What is the Social Security tax and Medicare tax for the weekly wage of $289.48?

Social Security = $17.95

Medicare = $ 4.20


Annabelle makes $58,736 and wants to estimate her federal income tax. How much federal income tax will she pay? Note: She files as single. 



Sam earns $20.50 per hour, working 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year. Her employee benefits include $1,200 per year for health insurance and $500 per year for free parking. Her expenses include $325 for dues and $1,300 for commuting. What are Shirley's net job benefits?



Lance wants to attend University of Idaho for 4 years. After filling out the FAFSA, he found he will receive $1,943 in scholarships each semester and $1,762 in grants each semester. Find the net cost of attendance.



What word should you avoid putting on the application when asked about a desired position? __________________________



Using the withholding sheet, find the withholding tax for a married person that makes $612.81 a week and has 3 withholdings.



Mike makes $84,337 a year and files as Head of Household. What is the amount of federal income tax to be paid?



Ursala had the following job expenses for last year: union dues $388; licenses $109; commuting costs $1,478. Her total job benefits for the same year were $39,256. Find her net job benefits. 



Lauren wants to attend College of Idaho for 4 years. After filling out the FAFSA, she found she will receive $1,093 in scholarships each semester and $2,434 in grants each semester. Find the net cost of attendance.



When something doesn’t apply to you, write _______________________________



What is the Social Security tax and Medicare tax for the weekly wage of $863.78?

Social Security = $53.55

Medicare = $12.52


Michelle makes $44,000 a year and Matthew makes $39,000 a year and the are going to file as married. What is the amount of federal income tax to be paid?



Phyllis's job pays $46,350 plus 24% of wages in benefits. She estimates her yearly job expenses are $2,256. What are her net job benefits?



Landon wants to attend North Idaho College for 2 years. After filling out the FAFSA, he found he will receive $193 in scholarships each semester and $234 in grants each semester. Find his Net COA



Answer ______________ questions on the application form.
