An action that can result in receiving a punishment or reward
Operant Behavior
Psychologist associated with the study of operant conditioning
B.F. Skinner
Memory is best defined as
Persistence of learning thru storage/retrieval of information
Storage is defined as
Retention of encoded information over time
Brain component activated as people form explicit memories of images and events
Researcher associated with the initial studies of classical conditioning with dogs
Who is Ivan Pavlov
Reinforcing successfully closer approximations to a desired behavior
Measure of memory retention used by fill-in-the-blank questions
Process of retrieval refers to
Getting information out of memory storage
Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia play an important role in processing this type of memory
Implicit Memory
This researcher introduced the term Behaviorism
John B Watson
An event that decreases the frequency of the behavior it follows
Identifying previously learned items in a multiple choice test question
Very brief recording of sensory information
Sensory Memory
An inability to form new memories
Anterograde Amnesia
The view that psychology should be an objective science without reference to mental processes is
Operant conditioning involve a learned association between
Behaviors and their Consequences
Researcher studying human memory was the first to make extensive use of nonsense syllables
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of memory
Long-term Memory
Who pushed for construction of mental hospitals
Phillipe Pinel and Dorothea Dix
When a conditioned stimulus is not paired with an unconditioned stimulus causing the fading of a conditioned response is called
The tendency for children to imitate behaviors seen on television
Process of getting information into memory
To form conscious mental images of a location such as a bedroom door requires what type of memory
Working Memory
Type of therapy that prescribes antidepressant drugs for treating anxiety disorders
Biomedical Therapy