Emotional Health

What is "positive stress" called?



What is the difference between mental health and mental illness?

Mental Health - your health catagorized by a range of socioeconomic, biological and environmental factors

Mental Illness - A diagnosed mental Illness that can affect physical, mental, and social well-being


A bottle of Whiskey that is 80% alcohol is ____- proof. 



True/False: Tobacco Use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. 



What is the neurotransmitter in your brain that is in charge of making us feel pleasure?



What is the difference between stress and a stressor?

Bonus (100pts): Give me an example of a tangible and intangible stressor?

Stress -  the mental and physical response and adaptation by our bodies to real or perceived threats or challenges

Stressor - any real or perceived physical, social, or psychological event or stimulus that causes our bodies to react or respond


What are 2 categories of Mental Health Disorders?

Mood Disorders (Depression, Biopolar, Seasonal affective disorder)

Anxiety Disorders (Phobias, PTSD, Panic disorders)

Psychotic Disorders (Scizophrenia)

Eating Disorders


80% of Alcohol gets absorbed through the  _________, 20% gets absorbed through the _________. 

Small intestine, Stomach


What are Carcinogens?

Cancer- causing substances


What is Tolerance?

A phenomenon in which progressively larger doses of a drug or more intense involvement in an experience is needed to obtain the desired effects


What are 3 ways to cope with/manage your stress?

make lists, work out, eat healthier, talk to people, get professional help, breath-work, meditation, imagery, positive self talk


What are 4 warning signs of mental illness?

  • Eating or sleeping too much or too little 

  • Pulling away from people and usual activities 

  • Having low or no energy 

  • Feeling numb or like nothing matters 

  • Feeling helpless or hopeless 

  • Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than usual 

  • Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared 

  • Experiencing severe mood swings 

  • Having persistent thoughts and memories you can’t get out of your head 

  • Hearing voices or believing things that are not true 

  • Thinking of harming yourself or others 


A long term effect of Alcohol on the body is Liver disease, also called __________. 



What are 3 products that contain nicotine?

Cigarettes, Vapes, chewing/smokeless tobacco


What is the difference between drug misuse and Drug Abuse?

Drug Misuse - using a drug for a purpose it was not intended

Drug Abuse - Excessive use of a drug


Name 3 stressors of college students

  • Getting good grades

  • Moving away from home

  • Trying to fit in and make new friends

  • Missing your family and friends from home

  • Adjusting to a new schedule 

  • Learning to live with strangers/roommates in housing


What are 4 warning signs of suicide?

  • Talking about wanting to die or wanting to kill themselves 

  • Talking about feeling empty or hopeless or having no reason to live 

  • Talking about feeling trapped or feeling that there are no solutions 

  • Using alcohol or drugs more often 

  • Talking about being a burden to others 

  • Withdrawing from family and friends 

  • Giving away important possessions 

  • Saying goodbye to friends and family 

  • Putting affairs in order, such as making a will

  • Changing eating and/or sleeping habits


What are 4 factors that influence the effects of Alcohol on your body?

  • alcohol concentration in your drink (↑ or ↓ %)

  • amount of alcohol you consume (1 drink at dinner v. 7 drinks in an hour)

  • amount of food in your stomach (more food = less surface area in stomach for alc absorption)

  • your metabolism

  • your weight

  • your body mass index

  • your mood (stress/tension = causes stomach to ↑ digestion/absorption)


What is secondhand smoke and why is it dangerous?

When people breathe in smoke breathed out by people who smoke or from burning tobacco products. There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Non-smokers effected can develop severe lunge and respiratory problems. 


Name 3 Process Addictions

Gambling, spending/shopping, eating, exercising, working, sexual activity, technology/internet


Come up and draw the GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome) model. 

Label the 3 phases, homeostasis line, and nervous system activations. 

*Troy is judge*


Describe 5 Defense Mechanisms.

(Avoidance, Regression, Repression, Displacement, Sublimation, Projection)

  • Avoidance - Any behavior used to escape, distract, or avoid difficult thoughts, feelings, or situations (drugs/alc)

  • Regression - Reverting back to an immature behavior from an earlier stage of development (Temper tantrums)

  • Repression - Unknowingly placing an unpleasant memory or thought in the subconscious (PTSD from abuse)

  • Displacement - Redirecting feelings or actions from the intended source to a safer, substitute target (Taking your anger out on family members) 

  • Sublimation - Replacing socially unacceptable impulses with socially acceptable behavior (Channeling aggressiveness into football)

Projection - Attributing one’s own unacceptable feelings and thoughts to others and not yourself


Name 5 ways to reduce risks of drinking alcohol


  • “Dry” campuses

  • Eat food (Before/during/after)

  • Count your drinks 

  • Alternate with non-alcoholic drinks

  • Sip > gulp (straws?)

  • Pass on the drinking games

  • Don’t pregame

  • Don’t mix with any other kind of drug


What are 5 negative effects of using tobacco?

increased risk of cancers, bronchitis, emphysema, heart disease, stroke, heart attack, plaque buildup in arteries, bad breath, high cholesterol, withdrawals


What is the difference between Physiological and Psychological dependence? And which ones do substance addictions cause?

Physio - something that makes your body change (ex: think chemicals, or getting “high”)

Psycho - Dependence of the mind on a substance or behavior. An intense, uncontrollable urge to continue engaging in a particular activity