Site Preparation
Site Utilities
Soil Stablization

This entity establishes baselines and temporary benchmarks during the design phase of construction.

Who is the government?


This criteria should comply when installation of all sewer and storm drain piping.

What is bell ends face uphill?


Vapors will ignite at relatively low temperatures the lowest temperature at which they will ignite is known as this. 

What is Flash Point?


This holds the aggregate together and provides a waterproof cover for the base. 

What is Bitumen?


This type of plant may be moved in the fall after the first frost but before the ground freezes or in the spring after the ground thaws but before leaves appear.

What is Deciduous?


This percentage is for floor openings used for removal of demolition materials must not be larger than ___of the area.

What is 25%?


This is the distance gas service lines are buried below the finished grade.

What is 18 inches?


This is the two major types of geotextile.

What is woven and non-woven?


This type of admixture is used to increase the resistance to frost action and chemicals and improve the workability of the mix.

What is Air-entraining agents?


This is required less in balled and burlapped(B&B) plants.

What is Less severe pruning?


This type of survey is completed during the preparatory phase when inspection demolition and includes bracing and shoring, temporary power, and protecting employee entrances. 

What is engineering survey?


These terms are used to refer to the underground steam distribution system.

What is Conduit and Utilidor?


This is the uses of soil stabilization.

What is 

1) Resist shearing within the layer

2)Avoid excessive elastic deflections that result in fatigue cracking within the layer

3) Prevent excessive permanent deformation through densification?


At what measurement is the screed contour at the leading edge crowned.

What is 1/8"?


These are the three planting objectives. 

What is 

1) Preserve and enhance existing landscape

2) Improve the overall visual quality

3) Improve environmental quality of the installation?


The process of clearing a construction site may include swamping, felling, decking and stacking and what other item.

What is application of herbicide?


This is the distance at intervals a building sewer smaller than 8 inches shall have cleanouts.

What is not more than 100 feet?


This stabilizing agent can be used effectively to stabilize most coarse and medium grained soils when mixed with lime. 

What is Fly Ash?


This type of pavement mix uses existing roadbed material to remove extensive processing.

What is mix-in-place construction?


This is reduced when the additive lime is added to the soil.

What is acidity? 


This is determined once the optimum moisture content(OMC) is determined.

What is Maximum Dry Density(MDD)?


This is the minimum horizontal distance between parallel sewer and water mains.

What is 5 feet?


This is determined when using the pick-and-click test.

What is relative hardness when set?


This type of paving is a mixture of sand, gravel, crushed rock, and other aggregates held together by hardened paste of cement and water.

What is Rigid (Concrete Pavements)?


These are the three chief chemical element fertilizers required by plants to produce good foliage and woody growth. 

What is  Nitrogen(N), Phosphorus(P) and Potassium (K)?