Where do all the vertebrates live?
F.A.R.M. B
What does arthropod mean?
Joint foot
What do mollusks typically live in?
ain't got no spine!
the process of assigning things into groups
Are mammals warm or cold blooded?
Is this an arthropod?
No, it's a mammal
Is this a mollusk?
Yes, squids are mollusks
What does amphibian mean?
Amphi - two
Bios - lives
How many legs do arachnids typically have?
What does Cephalopod mean?
Which is more common, vertebrates or invertebrates?
Name all five kinds of vertebrates
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds
1. bodies made up of segmented parts
2. exoskeleton
3. no internal spine
Is this a mollusk?
Nope, jellyfish are not mollusks
Sort the five vertebrates into warm and cold blooded
Warm - mammals & birds
Cold - reptiles, fish, amphibians
Name the three groups of arthropods we learned about in class.
Insect, arachnid, crustacean
Name the three groups of mollusks we've learned about.
Cephalopod, gastropod, bivalvia.
Invertebrates are like a house made without what?
Wood or a frame