Animal Ag
Plant Ag
ΣA Facts
ΣA Lambda Chapter
Ag History

Animals with four chambers to their stomach and a specialized GI tract for forage digestion

What are ruminants?
This state is responsible for nearly 100% of the USA's almond production.

What is California?


The name of Sigma Alpha's mascot

Who is Perry the baby bull?


The name for this greek symbol: Λ or λ 

What is lambda?


Two crops that were native to North America (not imported)

What are maize/corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, chile peppers, peanuts, and/or wild rice?


This specific breed of dairy cattle is known for their high percentage of butterfat and protein in milk.

What are Jersey cattle?


The term for the female part of a flower

What is a pistil?


The first line of the Sigma Alpha prayer

What is "Give me the faith to live by God?"


The name of the executive position that coordinates all professional activities and committees in the collegiate chapter.

What is the 1st Vice President?

This doctor at UC Davis has produced a lot of research about greenhouse gas emissions in animal agriculture.

Who is Dr. Frank Mitloehner?


This is a term for intramuscular fat in the animal's carcass and is often an indicator of quality.

What is marbling?


This group of plants are known as the fastest growing plants in the world. They can grow over 85 cm in one day!

What is bamboo?


The date (day, month, and year) that Sigma Alpha was founded

What is January 26, 1978?


The year that the Lambda Chapter was chartered

What is 1990?


The year that UC Davis opened as a University Farm extension of UC Berkeley

What is 1908?

A mineral that is vital for goat health but is toxic to sheep

What is copper?


The white sap that is produced from a plant's stem or leaf when damaged.

What is latex?


The number of Sigma Alpha chapters on the west coast (in Washington, Oregon, and California). Note that we ARE counting UC Davis!

What is 6?

Name two philanthropies that the Lambda Chapter participated in.

What is Ag in the Classroom, Bucks for Ducks, California Duck Days, Winters Salmon Festival, Picnic Day Cleanup, and/or UC Davis FFA Field Day (will accept other accurate answers)?


The country from which Angus beef cattle originate

What is Scotland?

This vaccine prevents tetanus, enterotoxemia, and clostridium perfringens type D in sheep, goats, and cattle.

What is the CD/T vaccine?


Fleshy fruits are classified into berries, drupes, pomes, hesperidium, or pepos. The orange is considered a ____.

What is a hesperidium?


Two founders of the Sigma Alpha Sorority

Who are Ann Huling Mathews, Marilyn Burns, Jennifer McMillnan, Cindie Davis, and/or Amy Mathews?


The name of the first President of Sigma Alpha's Lambda Chapter

Who is Lorrell Walter?


An American agronomist and Nobel laureate who is commonly known as the "Father of Agriculture"

Who is Norman Borlaug?